Mindfulness and neuropathy

Posted by dpso @dpso, Aug 28, 2023

Has anyone tried and had any success with Mindfulness Meditation and MBSR? I see so much mention of this meditation technique to help relieve stress and pain, anxiety and depression. I have tried several times to read different books and I can never make much sense of the “being in the now or present moment”. And there are so many methods that say they are a ’10 minute meditation’ but yet many others say it takes years of practice to achieve any success. But it seems to be recommended by so many self help programs and professional psychology programs. I am about to try it again to help relieve various symptoms. It’s a no cost, on-line 8 week course called, "Palouse Mindfulness”:

So has anyone had success with this or any other method? And if so what method and what relief has it brought to you?

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Sorry, I don't know / but interested in your post and looked it up on Internet and there are so many variations and initials of types of programs using our minds to help our bodies. Mindfulness; meditation; progressive relaxation; cognitive behavioural therapy; yoga; and the list goes on.
I was surprised to see a "mix" of two programs like Mindfulness-meditation; etc. Was getting a bit confusing to me when searched for explanations.
I have mild neuropathy but for my tinnitus,hyperacusis,musical ear and such it seems the only solution for someone my age is C.B.T. ... cognitive behavioural therapy, which doesn't stop the condition but is supposed to take our minds off our hurts but for me it is very difficult to achieve and would have to do it 24/7 almost.
Another thing is "tapping" and I have tried that and use it sometimes... but again, it is fleeting... however when I have had a meltdown over something or anxiety, I have done the tapping for five minutes and it does settle my thoughts down for a bit.
Am interested in seeing if any one has had success with the course you mention, and if all of these things have to be done "for a lifetime" when the illness is also for life. Thanks


MBSR is really hard for us Type A Americans to understand! I'm working hard on the idea, following 2 different paths and trying to see which fits my life.

As I understand it, the whole concept is to be present in each moment, focus on what we are doing, feeling, seeing -without judging or trying to fix or solve anything.

A few weeks ago, I had a new and severe pain across my upper back for no discernable reason. I tried stretching to no effect, so I got in the shower, aimed the stream at my pain and waited and felt. Suddenly, there was a "ping" and a slight release. The pain slowly subsided to my normal level. It was my first experience of just watching and accepting. Since then I have had a number of similar experiences. I can now observe the pins and needles in my arm and hand, watch and flex, and eventually it burns then subsides. This can happen in bed, while driving, or while sitting quietly. Not every time, or even every day, but often enough to encourage me to keep trying.


I found it very helpful. But one size doesn't always fit all. If not, keep looking til you find what helps. "Palouse Mindfulness” covers a lot of ground - for free! I also recommend Vidyamala Burch's book & CD "You are not your Pain".


Tai Chi and Quigong helped me a lot.


I am having great success with mindfulness and meditation. Dr.schubiner on u tube explains things easily to understand. I dropped opioid medicine in half so far. Lin.com accepts m Yu insurance and i am starting counseling from them in somatic thinking. Hope this is of interest to you. I have had chronic pain over ten years. Three back surgeries and over thirty epidurals yet this is to the only thing that has helped.

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