MGUS and quite high Free Kappa Light Chain and Kappa Lambda Ratio
The above was found in his blood serum test but follow-up 24 hr urine test showed only 2 free Kappas. Has anyone had experience with this? Does the urine test supersede the serum testing? Either way, is there anything to do other than “watchful waiting?”
BTW, he also has Dysautonomia (Diabetic T2).
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Likely need to see an oncologist to get an answer if it was a GP that told you this. Kappa and lambda are on opposite arms (light chains) of a Y shaped antibody. Starting out, my lambda was normal range and kappa was just above, then the kappa started ramping up after a few years, so the kappa/lambda ratio is now ~29. Lambda is still normal. MGUS is a waiting game, seeing how the trends in your bloodwork give up info.
All of my inflammatory markers are low
I've been tested by my gastro doc and do not have celiac or food allergies
These findings have chronically been high for over a year. I've been on b12 shots for over a year. My question, more directly is, in the Serum immunoelectrophoresis labels it as iga lambda whereas it's the free kappa is elevated. Can't seem to wrap my head around that and am hoping for an answer
Thanks ❤️
Yes I'm doing physical therapy.
If you don't have one, it would be good to get a oncologist/hematologist with good MGUS background. My MGUS was diagnosed because of my polyneuropathy. Also useful to get PT for balance exercises. My polyneuropathy hasn't progressed in the last 8 years. Hopefully your insurance allows you to collect doctors. I also have a gastroenterologist because of celiac and collagenous colitis (which impacts some of my blood inflammatory markers), and various other doctors for autoimmune and other conditions. None of my afflictions limit me (other than avoiding gluten), so good to live in the moment and look forward to the future.
Here are some links to kappa and lambda, and MGUS. They are medical papers so a bit dry. There is a lot of medical misinformation online. MGUS is considered asymptomatic and the risk of progression to SMM or MM is about 1%/year, so for most of us it stays as a weird abbreviation. It is a good prod to overview one's life in general, having enough fun, exercise, controlling stress, diet, and sleep.,20%5D%2C%20idiopathic%20pulmonary%20fibrosis%2C,Overall%2C%20the%20risk%20is%20low.
I've had all kind of blood tests this past year because of unbalanced walking. But my Kappa was high but my dr.said it was nothing wrong. But joked and said don't show your oncologist 😳. We'll I don't have an oncologist. Yeah I got rid of him .
Any information will help.
I have IgA kappa MGUS (8 years); kappa is almost 300 and kappa/lambda ratio is 29. My M spike is just above detection. My basophils and other "phils" are on the low side. Elevated basophils and low B12 can be from various causes such as diet (B12), inflammation, infection... I imagine your doctor has you on B12 vitamins/injection now. Consider keeping a food log to see if you are deficient in any food groups, and if any cause symptoms (bloating, tired, brain fog, etc). It would be good for the doctor(s) to determine why your basophils are elevated and B12 is low. Is it correlated to MGUS, gastroenterology, or other problem.
Hi. I'm new here.. I have iga lambda mgus. That's according to the m spike. But my kappa has been the one elevated for over a year? The ratio is normal.. I also have flagged high abs basophils and a b12 deficiency for one a year
Does anyone else have these findings?
I have had stable mgus for 3 years and I take 2 grams/day of Thorne curcumin supplements. Which equals 4 capsules a day. I took 4 grams/8 capsules for the first year but got tired of all the capsules.
I’ve also drunk republic of tea single sips turmeric - it has ginger, cinnamon, black pepper and monk fruit. Hot with a little milk.
* I’ve been buying from Amazon but noticed it’s cheaper from Mayo Clinic store: