MGUS and Myasthenia Gravis - does anyone have both?

Posted by junipergin @juniperjgin, May 6 7:26pm

Hello Everyone!
I do hope that this finds you as well as can be expected today.
Some of you are dealing with very serious situations!
I wish you well on those journeys.

My own path seems to be full of obstacles such as autoimmune conditions and rheumatological disease as well as infections that can be difficult and even go undiagnosed and untreated for long periods of time. I have sensory peripheral neuropathy and sometimes motor issues with painful hands and feet (no grip and loss of steadiness when painful). The other thing we have added to this list recently is Myasthenia Gravis.

Curiosity always drives me to wonder and investigate; I have seen research about MG following a dx of MGUS. So I am reaching out simply to see if any if you have been dx with both.

Thank you!

(I will be seing a new hematologist as well as a new neurologist in the next couple of months. I want to have as much information, including anecdotal, to help me prepare.)

Thank you!

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@junipergin, I think that @ginnycoleman might also have both MGUS and myasthenia gravis. I've added your question to the autoimmune diseases support group as well. It's not uncommon for people to have more than one autoimmune condition. I'll be interested to know what you learn from your upcoming appointments.

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