MGUS: Please, let me know I not alone

Posted by bonnie canby @bonniecanby, May 21, 2012

i Have gotten desperate enough to try to get an appointment at Mayo in minnasota for mgus. anyone out there that is also been diagnosed with this time bomb.
I am also suffering with anemia and pvc's and a lot of pain. please let me know that I am not alone. bonne

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Recently diagnosed with MGUS and need advice.....physicians, nutrition, etc.

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write this information to Minnesota Department of Health and ask "to whom<br>do I turn now?"<br><br>Something else you could do is call or contact Senior Linkage<br>Line--1-800-333-2433--they handle how to advise people in their needs,<br>esecial those who haven't got a direction to turn.<br><br>See their website too.<br><br>irvkay312<br>


Recently diagnosed with MGUS and need advice.....physicians, nutrition, etc.

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Should Mayo Clinic be an option, here are the contact numbers for all 3 campuses in Minnesota, Florida and Arizona The people answering the phones are very knowledgeable. There may be a variety of different consultation options, for example some people come to Mayo once and then continue care closer to home with their local care team in consultation with Mayo experts.

There are several members who could share their experience with you about care at Mayo if you and your son are interested in their stories.


Recently diagnosed with MGUS and need advice.....physicians, nutrition, etc.

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When he was first diagnosed they mentioned a study in New Jersey but our family could not afford the flying back and forth. I will talk to him about this.


Recently diagnosed with MGUS and need advice.....physicians, nutrition, etc.

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How wretched that must be to watch. Is getting a second opinion from Mayo Clinic an option?


Recently diagnosed with MGUS and need advice.....physicians, nutrition, etc.

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They are but he is just getting worse and as his mother I understand why he is now depressed and will not even go to the hospital when he should. He says "why Mom you know they won't help and I do know that . I don't understand but I continue to pray that he gets help somewhere.


Recently diagnosed with MGUS and need advice.....physicians, nutrition, etc.

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Welcome back to Connect @momofthree1. @lisa54 recently joined Mayo Clinic Connect and is looking to connect with other people who have experience with MGUS. I'm so sorry to hear that you son's health has not improved, and that he has multiple chronic issues. It sounds like he has been going to many different specialists. Are they all within the same care facility?


Recently diagnosed with MGUS and need advice.....physicians, nutrition, etc.

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We all are so confused by this and honestly do not know were to turn. Since Tom was told he had MGUS ,he has been diagnosed with multiple things. Just keeps going from one doctor to the next and no one is fixing anything. They all run test ,give him yet another label ,more meds and a return visit for three months.. He started with Migraine headaches at the age of seven, went to "horner's syndrome then "suicide headaches" within 15 years. He has kidney stones often. In 2012 went to dr over back pain ( several herniated disks) a few weeks his later his neurologist found the MGUS and sent him to the oncologist / hematologist . All the testing (blood work,bone marrow etc). Since then Heart problems,kidney cyst and aneurysm ,,numerous stomach problems. I am telling you he is in consent pain. It is so hard seeing him fall apart and no one really helping.


you are not alone...I go to Roger Maris Cancer Clinic in Fargo ND. I live at the border of MN in a city called Moorhead. It's a long drive to Mayo Clinic in Rochester. Feel free to send me a line


<p>My red blood cell count is 3.75. I have MGUS- precursor multiple myeloma. I do not feel well tired. My oncologists says my count is normal, I. Disagree, I feel well when it is around 4.25. @rowanwolfe</p>

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I also have MGUS and it sucks. I get the run around at Roger Maris Cancer clinic where I go. Please stay in touch I would like to chat and perhaps exchange ideas


Recently diagnosed with MGUS and need advice.....physicians, nutrition, etc.

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My son was just told that he has MGUS. We are so confused by what the doctor said and what we have read. He has been through lots of test, experiences pain that the oncologists says has nothing to do with MGUS( leg pain , numbness in his leg and both feet, gets very weak, unable to even work at times). He is only 44 yrs old. He has had stones many times and gets pain in both kidneys when he attempts to exercise.

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