Posted by bmilanowski53 @bmilanowski53, Sep 29, 2023

I am trying to avoid a knee replacement I am 70 and have had 4 surgeries for spinal stenosis and 2 hand surgeries for arthritis. I have tried PRP injections but my left knee is still a problem. My regenerative medicine Dr has recommended a MFAT procedure where they liposuction fat and inject that into the knee. This is a new procedure and there are no long-term results also out-of-pocket has anyone had this procedure.

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Were you able to watch the procedure? Just curious if there were multiple injection sites, or just one. Thanks for reporting on your treatment!


Thanks for asking. I was totally awake throughout the procedure they only numb the harvest site and the injection site. The injection is done with laser assistance, so I was able to watch exactly where they injected it. Only one injection sight. My biggest issue was no definite instructions on exactly what I should do post procedure I was told to pay attention to my body and it would guide me. I am pretty attuned to my body so we’ll see.


Thanks for asking. I was totally awake throughout the procedure they only numb the harvest site and the injection site. The injection is done with laser assistance, so I was able to watch exactly where they injected it. Only one injection sight. My biggest issue was no definite instructions on exactly what I should do post procedure I was told to pay attention to my body and it would guide me. I am pretty attuned to my body so we’ll see.

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"My biggest issue was no definite instructions on exactly what I should do post procedure I was told to pay attention to my body and it would guide me. I am pretty attuned to my body so we’ll see."

Oh my! I agree they could have been a little more specific about expectations! I know people react differently to tissue invasion, but they could have given you a couple of different scenarios! Maybe they felt that complications were minimal and rare and you could resume normal activities quickly?


The biggest issue is I don’t start physical therapy until 10 days after the procedure. Normally I would do research on what exercises to do but there is no information on this procedure. I am taking it slow doing minimal weight-bearing, and some exercises to keep me from going nuts.


I would get the knee replaced. These lubricants injected into the knee are not a long-term solution. why don't you want a TKR? I'm a 69 y/o male and had both knees replaced in 2022. Rehab was a lot of hard work and worth every second.

All the best.


I have had a lot of surgeries due to spinal stenosis and arthritis not anxious for another. Also am an avid pickleball player and play with a lot of people who have have knee replacements and it seems 60% are happy and 40% are not what I read on this site seems to confirm that.

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