Metal tip from the robotic arm broke off during TKR

Posted by bambiwallace @bambiwallace, May 15 11:07pm

metal tip from robotic arm broke off during TKR which showed up on post-op x-ray. Dr. said no big deal, bone would grow around it. should I be worried? long-term?

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@bambiwallace - We're not medical professionals here, so can only give you an opinion.

I have had numerous ortho surgeries, and if I had this happen, I would ask the doctor to provide me with a written opinion FROM THE MANUFACTUER as to what should be the next step.
If the metal that broke off is not of a type meant to remain in your body, it could eventually be seen as a "foreign body" by your system, and you might have a reaction to the metal.

If the surgeon refuses, there are other choices - the hospital or surgical center, the director of practice either in the ortho group or the hospital, or direct contact with the manufacturer. My daughter was an FDA Compliance monitor for a large medical manufacturer, and they take these issues very seriously.

As you go forward, please get your own copies of all doctor and surgical records - if the are in MyChart, make copies on your own computer or print them out. Also, document every conversation you have that doesn't result in a visit summary, and add your own notes any time you find one to be inaccurate.

Good luck, and please let me know what approach you decide to take.


Make sure you document everything in case there are problems. The doctor and hospital could be liable if you have issues later.


So sorry to hear this. If that happened to me I would be very concerned of an infection, allergy and long term problem. I would demand an answer from your surgeon and have it removed. It’s there now but what will it do long term left in? I hope you can get some good honest help with answers! I wish you the very best with a good outcome!


I'm not sure what you should do, but several years ago, the surgery on my wife was badly botched due to the improper use of the surgical robot. I did nothing in terms of lawsuits but she is still suffering adhesions and gastro complications after almost dying in the hospital from E.coli, Pseudomonas, and other deadly bacteria. In hindsight, I probably could have owned the hospital. The radiologist in the ER and a surgeon friend of ours (not the same as the before mentioned surgeon) stated they had never seen such an infection. They took her off all water and food for a week and said if the antibiotics didn't work, there was nothing stronger they could give her.

Regarding your doctor's statement, that does not surprise me. What would have surprised me would be if he said, "You should sue me, the hospital, and the manufacturer."

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