Messages of Hope please

Posted by detroitmom23 @detroitmom23, Mar 5, 2023

I was recently diagnosed with stage 3 lung cancer. I’m receiving chemo and will start radiation afterwards. I’m trying to be positive but any time I glance at stats I feel the hope drain right out if me.
Please share any messages of encouragement….

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Dear Detroit mom,
I know it’s hard not to worry about the future. I am having palliative care for stage I v. I read Robin Roberts’ book about her experience and her mother always said”everybody’s got something “. I try not to think about my illness too much and that seems to helps. So much in life we have no control over. I hope you have good support, it means so much. Just sending love and we’ll wishes.


Hi Detroit Mom,

If you haven't found a lung cancer support group yet, I'd highly recommend it. There are people living with lung cancer as a chronic disease, going beyond what the stats say. It is very encouraging to see that there are people beating the statistics. I wouldn't look at the statistics and if I did, I wouldn't give them much room in my psyche. 🙂 If you haven't heard of Go2 For Lung Cancer, check them out. They have a lot of good information and support. There are new treatments coming out all the time so see if you qualify for any clinical trials. Was genetic testing of the biopsy material done? If not, ask for it. Information is power.

Hugs and hope,


Detroit mom, Stay positive! I know when I was first diagnosed with stage IV lung cancer, I started reading on the web and kept going down “rabbit holes”. I would just sit and cry. As told by my doctors, don’t read anything unless from a reputable place (Mayo Clinic, John Hopkins, etc). Mindset plays a very important role in recovery. I had brain surgery right away to remove a tumor because it was causing imbalance and nausea. I then waited (~4 weeks) to start radiation therapy as they wanted to know if there was a gene mutation which caused the cancer. I am so glad we waited because it was a gene mutation. I had 3 targeted radiation treatments to the brain versus having whole brain. I am now taking a pill which has shrunk the lung tumor and 2 small tumors left in the brain. I will continue on this until it no longer works. (Can be years) Then the doctors will recommend another option.
Praying for you and your treatment. Hugs!

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