Memory and attention problems on prednisone

Posted by megz @megz, Dec 23, 2023

I'm normally an organised person who remembers things and keeps notes & lists to help with that. This week though, I have twice forgotten to take my morning meds despite having a regular routine that involves frothing milk for milk coffee to have with the meds. That routine has served me well so far to take meds reliably and on time, till this last week or two.

My distractability is now high, unusual for me, so I've made the morning milk coffee but not taken the meds. A few days ago, I couldn't remember if I'd forgotten to take it, so my usually good memory recall is failing as well. It happens many times a day, so it's a worry.

I see that prednisone is associated with poor memory and reduced cognitive function in general.
"Because the hippocampus is one of the essential lability substrates for memory, glucocorticoid-induced adverse effects that alter the hippocampal structure or interfere with its function may impair those memory processes dependent on hippocampal integrity."
"One possible mechanism of injury to the hippocampus is corticosteroid excess of corticosteroids causes both reversible and irreversible changes in hippocampal structure and cognition."

Mostly it seems to be reversed when steroids are finished. For anyone else affected, let's hope that's the case and try to muddle through the cognitive changes in the meantime.

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Polymyalgia Rheumatica (PMR) Support Group.

I have noticed some memory issues since starting Prednisone also. I rely on routine now to help with that. Perhaps laying out your med(s) before frothing your milk would work for you.


I too am experiencing some memory and attention problems that I would like to blame on prednisone rather than my age (77). During this Holiday Season, while not particularly stressful, there have been a few examples of forgetfulness that I was flummoxed by. I bought Christmas gifts for two friends which I delivered around Dec.13. On Dec. 21 I was once again out and about delivering gifts to these same two women. When reminded by them, it took me a while before the “lightbulb” went off in my brain that they had received gifts already. I am also a list maker and have become even more so. Sticky notes are my crutch and trying to slow down a bit also helps. I am hoping that as I continue to taper off prednisone that these symptoms will disappear, along with the mild hair loss on my scalp and more facial hair growth (UGH). Happy Holidays, Liz Ward, I can still remember my name, so that is a plus!


I have noticed some memory issues since starting Prednisone also. I rely on routine now to help with that. Perhaps laying out your med(s) before frothing your milk would work for you.

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Yes, I keep meaning to do that, but keep forgetting lately. There lies the problem. Yes, a permanent sticky note on the frother lid might be the way to go. I'm going to do that right now.


Good, we need whatever help we can get with the combination of drug side effects and aging bodies. This morning I made a pot of coffee without putting the carafe in the coffee maker, lol. Glad I have it sitting on a tray for just such lapses.


I too am experiencing some memory and attention problems that I would like to blame on prednisone rather than my age (77). During this Holiday Season, while not particularly stressful, there have been a few examples of forgetfulness that I was flummoxed by. I bought Christmas gifts for two friends which I delivered around Dec.13. On Dec. 21 I was once again out and about delivering gifts to these same two women. When reminded by them, it took me a while before the “lightbulb” went off in my brain that they had received gifts already. I am also a list maker and have become even more so. Sticky notes are my crutch and trying to slow down a bit also helps. I am hoping that as I continue to taper off prednisone that these symptoms will disappear, along with the mild hair loss on my scalp and more facial hair growth (UGH). Happy Holidays, Liz Ward, I can still remember my name, so that is a plus!

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Happy Christmas to you too Liz.
That must have been embarrassing, ouch, and a bit worrying. I have some more than usual hair loss too. The day we ditch prednisolone is definitely something to look forward to. Aren't we clever remembering our own far. 🙂


I become unfocused in the evenings. I wonder around the house wondering what I came into the kitchen for. But at 79 that could be expected. I will know for certain when I stop prednisone next week. I never forgot to take my meds, but that was because I was scared that the pain would increase if I didn't take them. (Pain is a good boost to memory.) Up to now I haven't associated my memory and distraction to the steroid. Now I'm not so sure.


Hi Megz.
You're speaking to my disappointments in this area as well. I've noticed the same struggles to stay sharp. Almost forgot to take my meds one morning. My forgetfulness is more frequent/sustained if I'm not well rested. Consistent, REM sleep is just not possible for me and ADHD is worse. I've recently left groceries in the truck overnight. I really can't sort out how age related it is. 71 now, turning 72 in a couple of months. I know I'm in the red zone when I'm sleep deprived; which is about 1/3 of the time. One shot of espresso Qam compensates to some degree. REM sleep is a constant goal because I know how alert and centered I can be in the middle of this undesirable gift of entropy the prednisone keeps giving. Thank you for your post. It stirs critical and reality based thinking for me. Wishing you and all on this site a very blessed and safe holiday season. Ernie


Happy Christmas to you too Liz.
That must have been embarrassing, ouch, and a bit worrying. I have some more than usual hair loss too. The day we ditch prednisolone is definitely something to look forward to. Aren't we clever remembering our own far. 🙂

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I’m tapering my prednisone and at 2 1/2mg til 1/5/2024 and can stop. My memory has been affected during this period from April until now, hair loss is in overtime and I can’t grow it on my head but can shave my upper lip and chin twice a day. I’m a 74 year old female and my last dose of prednisone will call for a celebration. I’m on high doses of Vitamin B12 right now and just had a CT scan for my kidneys due to urinalysis test. So prednisone fixed me from the crippling pain I had but the side effects were overwhelming so I’m optimistic 2024 being days away has got to be a better year.


I too am experiencing some memory and attention problems that I would like to blame on prednisone rather than my age (77). During this Holiday Season, while not particularly stressful, there have been a few examples of forgetfulness that I was flummoxed by. I bought Christmas gifts for two friends which I delivered around Dec.13. On Dec. 21 I was once again out and about delivering gifts to these same two women. When reminded by them, it took me a while before the “lightbulb” went off in my brain that they had received gifts already. I am also a list maker and have become even more so. Sticky notes are my crutch and trying to slow down a bit also helps. I am hoping that as I continue to taper off prednisone that these symptoms will disappear, along with the mild hair loss on my scalp and more facial hair growth (UGH). Happy Holidays, Liz Ward, I can still remember my name, so that is a plus!

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I am 76 suffering, as you are. I have become slightly forgetful but my main problem is searching for words even in a short conversation. The shakes area dreadful too. My air falls out ask the time now, after having thick hair. It's extremely thin. Good luck.


Having been on prednisone for a year now I definitely note memory lapses. With respect to the various medications I use the weekly dispensers and lay them out by my coffee machine. I take the prednisone at 5am then other meds at 6am and others at 10am - so three weekly dispensers. The weekly dispensers show you clearly if you have taken your medication for the day or not. It becomes so repetitive that without these dispensers I would be quite confused. Best of luck.

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