Medical marijuana: Got approved, but still leary

Posted by cdcc @cdcc, Mar 1, 2018

Has anyone tried this yet. I got approved but am still leary

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I have purchased. 3 different ones .. I ant say for sure about improvement. I just purchased one from Lazarus. Sp which seems to be different. I have only been taking it for a few days so I’m not sure but the other ones didn’t hardly any taste. And this one tastes awful. It is a highly recommended co. And this is there strongest. I’m hoping I will feel great improvement.


Yes it can help. Using an ointment and rubbing on surgical site has provided relief. Smoking relaxes the body and the Indica strain is best for relief without getting as much ‘high’ from the THC.
What’s has helped the most so far for me is getting MFR, or Myofascial Release Therapy. It’s been a game changer in relieving the neuropathy in my feet. That, and combined with the yoga pose where you lay on your back and put your legs up against the wall. It allows the blood and lymph nodes to be released from your feet via gravity, your legs up will allow the blood flow out of feet for relief. Google MFR and look for good therapists that have positive reviews. Good luck. I’ve had 5 back surgeries, tried acupuncture, epidurals, lumbar blocks, PT, aqua therapy, laser treatments, etc. no progress on any of these treatments.
What I mentioned above has been the most effective at relief for me in 4 years. Good luck !


I would like to know the answer to that also. I have Medical Mar.. What was given to me did not help pain. A Visiting Nurse mentioned CBD and told me it has helped some of her patients. If I do go to the Clinic I will let you know, hopefully soon.


Hello cdcc, yes I have tried Medical Mar. That mixture didn't help but I will be going back to the Dispensary to try something different. It may help I have to try. There are other options there. While waiting to be called I spoke with others in the waiting room. They have had good results for pain including someone with M.S. and Fibromyalgia. Hope this helped.


Yes it can help. Using an ointment and rubbing on surgical site has provided relief. Smoking relaxes the body and the Indica strain is best for relief without getting as much ‘high’ from the THC.
What’s has helped the most so far for me is getting MFR, or Myofascial Release Therapy. It’s been a game changer in relieving the neuropathy in my feet. That, and combined with the yoga pose where you lay on your back and put your legs up against the wall. It allows the blood and lymph nodes to be released from your feet via gravity, your legs up will allow the blood flow out of feet for relief. Google MFR and look for good therapists that have positive reviews. Good luck. I’ve had 5 back surgeries, tried acupuncture, epidurals, lumbar blocks, PT, aqua therapy, laser treatments, etc. no progress on any of these treatments.
What I mentioned above has been the most effective at relief for me in 4 years. Good luck !

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Tks, am desperate


This has been suggested to help move depression but am leary too. I agree with you as to not want to get "high" feeling, but don't know what to expect. Can one get addicted to this MM for don't want that either? Any helpful information is appreciated.


This has been suggested to help move depression but am leary too. I agree with you as to not want to get "high" feeling, but don't know what to expect. Can one get addicted to this MM for don't want that either? Any helpful information is appreciated.

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@marjou I am tagging @artscaping in this discussion. She may be able to answer your question more thoroughly than I can.


@cddc Have u tried the medical marijuana and if so any side effects. My depression and anxiety are over the top, crying bouts, and not thinking clearly so am seriously talking to my doctor today about this as an option. Appreciate your input as I'm desperate to get some relief.


Not a good day. I awoke with anxiety and crying then diarrhea. Came downstairs took Ativan waited an hour then CBD old, no THC: I’ve cried off and on all day and it’s only early afternoon. My husband made me take two small puffs on the vape. Feel somewhat calmer, no high. I just want God go take me, I can’t keep up like this

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It’s a horrible feeling and I identify. You are in my prayers starting now. Just remember you can pull out of this. There’s different kinds of help that work differently for different people. Go to doctors, a different one everyday if you must until you find one that helps you. You Will find someone. It’s so hard to continue to look and try when you feel depressed,hopeless and sad but that is when you must dig in and try harder. God Bless You.


@ayankeeinnm... my CBD oil is 1,000 mg: I haven’t tried the vape yet, I don’t want to get high it scares me. I. To do 2 puffs hold for three seconds and exhale: I just took an Ativan 0:5mg second one today. I’m having a bad day with depression and crying

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Do you have a therapist you can talk to about this?

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