Measuring body fat without callipers or anything special?

Posted by confusingthings @confusingthings, Jun 18, 2023

What the title says.
I don't have anything really available except a basic scale, knowledge of my height and such, and fingers in the place of any special instruments. I'm an 18yo male, 177cm, 65kg, have quite a bit of leg muscle but otherwise generally pretty skinny except for my belly, which has started to slightly bulge, but I have no idea how much of it is fat and how much is skin thickness/posture/guts/anything else. I currently have a pretty bad diet, which I've been continuing allowing myself to have because up until now my body's just been handling it like a champ, not a bit of flab on me. I'm now wondering if this possible buildup means I'll have to stop.

Wondering how I can tell how much of the gut is fat with just my fingers and a ruler or something?

I am able to get a sizable pinch (Say, ~2cm thick?) on that area, where everywhere else on me I can either not even get a pinch or it's a couple of millimeters thick, which I assume is just skin.

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Hello @confusingthings, Welcome to Connect. I've never tried this but it is an interesting question, just seems like a lot of work though. Psst, maybe that's because I'm a really old guy.

--- How to Measure Body Fat Without Calipers:

I find a cheap bluetooth bathroom scale that shows body fat, muscle mass, water weight and BMI much easier to use and you only have to step on the scale barefoot in the morning. This is the one I have ($29) - It works with their Weight Gurus app -

There is some truth to the old saying you are what you eat. I know it probably doesn't mean anything and not very helpful but I can remember being 18 and working at the original McDonalds in San Bernardino, California growing up.
At that time we were allowed to eat whatever we wanted during our shift break and I think that's where I started my journey with some really bad eating habits which led to some of my current health issues.

Do you mind sharing what your main concern is? Is it gaining too much weight?


Hello @confusingthings, Welcome to Connect. I've never tried this but it is an interesting question, just seems like a lot of work though. Psst, maybe that's because I'm a really old guy.

--- How to Measure Body Fat Without Calipers:

I find a cheap bluetooth bathroom scale that shows body fat, muscle mass, water weight and BMI much easier to use and you only have to step on the scale barefoot in the morning. This is the one I have ($29) - It works with their Weight Gurus app -

There is some truth to the old saying you are what you eat. I know it probably doesn't mean anything and not very helpful but I can remember being 18 and working at the original McDonalds in San Bernardino, California growing up.
At that time we were allowed to eat whatever we wanted during our shift break and I think that's where I started my journey with some really bad eating habits which led to some of my current health issues.

Do you mind sharing what your main concern is? Is it gaining too much weight?

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The main concern would be just being unhealthy in terms of fat and things, I'm normally a pretty fit person.

And when I said I only have access to a bathroom scale, I meant like just one model, a simple weight one. I can't buy anything else.


The main concern would be just being unhealthy in terms of fat and things, I'm normally a pretty fit person.

And when I said I only have access to a bathroom scale, I meant like just one model, a simple weight one. I can't buy anything else.

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I think that your course of action is going to be the same no matter what body fat percentage you happen to have at the moment: if you are in a healthy range then you want to stay there and if not then you want to improve. For both of those situations, the solution is the same: eat nutrient-dense foods like fresh fruits and vegetables and whole grains, and try to spend only the minimal necessary amount of time in sedentary activities (TV, computer, driving etc).


I think that your course of action is going to be the same no matter what body fat percentage you happen to have at the moment: if you are in a healthy range then you want to stay there and if not then you want to improve. For both of those situations, the solution is the same: eat nutrient-dense foods like fresh fruits and vegetables and whole grains, and try to spend only the minimal necessary amount of time in sedentary activities (TV, computer, driving etc).

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I never weighed myself...scales are for fish. Yes that was the front page news on the New York Times when I was in the early eighties in NYC.
But really This's how any generally fit person would claim to be fit:
- waist is much smaller than the area around hips.
- have enough strength in legs to get to walk up many floors without painting too hard. I start to panting in my bldg (13 floors) after about eighth floor on an 80 y.o. frame. And I don't even watch what floor I'm on...our bodies are supposed to know better when to stop or slow down.
Tonight I did not feel had much aerobic exertion but I was late for dinner too so I did kicking an imaginary soccer ball in my living room with FULL force such that my other foot too get above ground in air just for a sec. In five mins my heart beat was maximal and I went for ten minutes slowing down and up again.

Invent your own workout! that's what we did as 3 y.o.!
- flexibility and balance -- and endurance with push ups, squats turning around midriff and with arms bending twisting in multiple ways.
Yes anerobic exercise -- running in place for even at maximal speed -- will get your heart rate in the zone within 2 minutes (my time) but you wish to make sure you don't get winded. so start safe and build up

dips come easy in stairwells; good for upper body and posture -- will keep shoulders straight.
Tell me what more YOU can improvise!
Good luck friend!

P.S. Nutrition is equally important; too many of us eat ultra processed foods, very bad. I'm sure Mayo would have info on it. It's a precursor of much diabetes/prediabetes in the world and here.

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