Have you ever taken part in a Mayo Clinic study?

Posted by da69 @da69, Aug 17, 2023

Cant find where to put this?
Has anyone participated in a Mayo clinic study?
I was there in May and got some answers and was asked to enroll in a study.
I would like to but i am afraid of non stop emails and hidden costs and phone calls.
They say its 100% free and i can do it from home and give a saliva sample and mail it.
I just dont want to open a can of worms.
Any experiences?
Thank you

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How do you join a study.

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Here is some information on finding a study to join that might help.
--- Is Mayo Clinic doing research on my condition?: https://www.mayoclinic.org/patient-centered-care/mayo-clinic-doing-research-on-my-condition.

Here's are some studies listed for the Rochester area:
--- Primary Care in Rochester and Kasson: https://communityhealth.mayoclinic.org/find-a-study


How do you join a study.

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He was asked to join by his doctor at Mayo. I think you can inquire if there are any clinical studies available.


I have joined any study in the last 13 years. It is done professionally and you are never bothered and always contacted for any additional info needed. It is a wonderful thing you can do to give back and to help them and to help others. I have always felt it was an honor to be a part


I am advocating for a 26 year old woman who has suffered from CIPO --chronic intestinal pseudo obstruction-- since she was 11 years old (at least, that's when it was diagnosed). Is there a clinical study she might participate in for help with herself and others/ Thank you.

Patricia Carew (teacher and family friend)


I am advocating for a 26 year old woman who has suffered from CIPO --chronic intestinal pseudo obstruction-- since she was 11 years old (at least, that's when it was diagnosed). Is there a clinical study she might participate in for help with herself and others/ Thank you.

Patricia Carew (teacher and family friend)

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Welcome Patricia @patnbrian15, Thank you for advocating for your friend. Here's a Rochester Mayo Clinic study that is currently in open enrollment status.
--- Chronic Intestinal Pseudo Obstruction de novo Clinical Outcomes Assessment: https://www.mayo.edu/research/clinical-trials/cls-20551843

Here's a search results link for ClinicalTrials.gov: https://clinicaltrials.gov/search?cond=Chronic%20Intestinal%20Pseudo%20Obstruction. Also, I think any available studies might be listed or linked on this site:
--- Clinical Trials for Intestinal Pseudo-obstruction: https://www.niddk.nih.gov/health-information/digestive-diseases/intestinal-pseudo-obstruction/clinical-trials.

I'm sure it must be difficult for your friend having dealt with this condition since the age of 11. Is she currently undergoing any treatment?


I am advocating for a 26 year old woman who has suffered from CIPO --chronic intestinal pseudo obstruction-- since she was 11 years old (at least, that's when it was diagnosed). Is there a clinical study she might participate in for help with herself and others/ Thank you.

Patricia Carew (teacher and family friend)

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Hi Patricia there is a current open clinical trial at Mayo Rochester for CIPO.

If you scroll down you can expand the menu of requirements.
Hopefully this is helpful for her to get involved.


Many years ago, I was asked to complete a questionnaire, along with the one I had to complete for my visits to Mayo. I took the questionnaire to the appropriate place and was given a choice of what "gift" I would like. I chose two Mayo blankets, one red and one gray. I had copious amounts of blood drawn when I was there. The person drawing all that blood said that was the most she had ever drawn and she understood it was for a study. I was told and I understood the research might be helpful to others and I would not receive any results from the study. After our two visits, I received some sort of general newsletter saying what sorts of projects/studies were being done. Later, I received a letter asking for more blood. I tossed the letter because I knew we would not be driving 7 hours to Rochester again. Then, I received a phone call asking for more blood. I told that person "no" I am not coming back. The newsletters ceased at that point. Perhaps some of my blood helped. I thought how odd that I would be asked to return just to give more blood. So, I cannot say I was part of a study for sure, but they did want more of my blood. I have always wondered why.
With all good wishes, @joybringer1


Yes. They invited me to be part of a familial cholesterol gene study. It was absolutely no cost to me & several other genetic test were included. The one I used was called ‘Tapestry.’ It was a saliva test.


Yes. They invited me to be part of a familial cholesterol gene study. It was absolutely no cost to me & several other genetic test were included. The one I used was called ‘Tapestry.’ It was a saliva test.

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It is an honor to me to contribute to selected medical studies. I select from requests and I’m participating in one right now at my local hospital which provides up to monthly feedback on covid antibody status. That’s useful for me to know. It was surprising how much my antibody level increased after my sixth covid vaccine. Though now it has declined again. Yes indeed I will get the new covid vaccine when it becomes available!

While at Mayo Rochester I gave permission to do medical research on blood they took when I was there. Perhaps this is why they asked to do a genetic study with Helix lab from my saliva. From that study I learned useful personal information.

Harvard’s Dana Farber Cancer Institute is doing a study named PCROWD. They were interested in testing my blood due MGUS diagnosis. Every six months they send a collection kit which I take along when visiting my hematologist. Since my blood will be tested anyway, it is easy to draw four more vials then insert them in an insulated bag which I had frozen the night before. After collection my Doc’s secretary completed sealing the package and called FEDEX for pickup. There is no feedback for me from this study, just the satisfaction of knowing I can contribute to helping scientists discover how to help others.

I draw the line about becoming a lab animal to test new medicines. Nope. Possibly too much to loose. When Quest sent an email requesting that I come in and participate in a medicine trial I simply deleted it. No “can of worms” at all. Done.

I hope this reply will be helpful in your future decision making when invited to participate in medical studies. Wishing all the best!

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