Mayo appt...What to expect and how to prepare?

Posted by da69 @da69, May 3, 2023

I got covid in Jan of 22 and since then i have had my depression get worse and 20+ yrs of Zoloft no longer worked and nothing since has.
Not even TMS therapy or a genesight test worked and on top of that i now have crippling anxiety...shortness of breath and get sore if i do anything at all...and all this started since getting Covid...My body trembles with anxiety daily.
My left hand and right leg shakes constantly.
My consult is with a psychiatrist as my symptoms have all been treated as such with nobody taking long covid or any thing else as a possible answer.
Do i bring that up during my consult or am i wasting my time?
Will they run any tests?
Something is going on in my body that made me go from treatable depression for over 2 decades to untreatable depression and all these other symptoms.
I am making a 6 hr drive and all i know is it is a consult.
I am a month out and do not even know how long i am going to be there or what?....All they tell me is i have a consultation with a psychiatrist.
Anybody have any experiences and can let me now what to expect?
Also how should i prepare for this prior?
Thank you

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I had covid last November and I noticed shortly after that my meds were not working properly, I’ve been taking them for over 20 years and suddenly I felt different…of course I was afraid because my symptoms were gradually coming back and nothing helped. I basically had to try a number of different antidepressants until I got the results I needed. I don’t know if they can do anything else, perhaps run a few tests…also you might just need a new medication, our bodies get used to meds after you’ve been on them for a long time and it’s very normal. I think you will be alright, just tell the doctor how you feel and that your meds stopped working. I got more help when I stopped telling the doctor it was from having had covid, it definitely didn’t work for me, now I just tell him what my symptoms are. Good luck with your appointment and don’t worry, they will figure it out soon enough.


@da69 Anytime we are visiting a new facility, it can be daunting, that's for sure! Here is a link to a support group here for visiting Mayo Clinic. Why don't you wander through the different threads and see what information will help in your own situation? You should be able to contact the campus where you will be, and ask them how long you should expect to be there; a couple of days, of what. Seeing that you already have an appointment, I believe using this link will get you to the people who can give you some info for how long you'll be there

I agree with @frouke that some of our medications can become less effective over a long course of time. That had happened to me, also.


@da69 I understand how anxiety-provoking it is to embark on a road trip to a new clinic with medical staff you've never met before. Below is some information to prepare that might be helpful to you.

1. Write your questions and information in a pad or notebook. Add to your list as you get closer to your appointment. When you do this you can reduce some anxiety by now trying to keep that information straight in your head as you think about your consult. You can decide once you are with the psychiatrist what information you would like and the information you would like to share. The beauty is that you've written it all down ahead of time. Be prepared to take notes during your appointment or bring a friend or loved one with you to hep you to listen. When you're nervous during an appointment it's very difficult to take everything in and another set of "ears" will be helpful.

2. I have not had a psychiatry consult at Mayo but I have been seen by other practices. I suggest that you stay overnight near the Mayo Clinic you plan to go to. That way you will be more relaxed when you arrive for your appointment. In addition, you might like to make your reservation to stay over the day of your appointment. You can always cancel if you don't need it but in my experience sometimes tests or appointments are added on to your schedule once you are at Mayo Clinic. The schedulers try very hard to meet your time constraints and schedule.

@gingerw posted a link for a Mayo Clinic Connect discussion on traveling to Mayo Clinic. Which campus will you travel to? Minnesota, Florida, or Arizona?


@da69 I understand how anxiety-provoking it is to embark on a road trip to a new clinic with medical staff you've never met before. Below is some information to prepare that might be helpful to you.

1. Write your questions and information in a pad or notebook. Add to your list as you get closer to your appointment. When you do this you can reduce some anxiety by now trying to keep that information straight in your head as you think about your consult. You can decide once you are with the psychiatrist what information you would like and the information you would like to share. The beauty is that you've written it all down ahead of time. Be prepared to take notes during your appointment or bring a friend or loved one with you to hep you to listen. When you're nervous during an appointment it's very difficult to take everything in and another set of "ears" will be helpful.

2. I have not had a psychiatry consult at Mayo but I have been seen by other practices. I suggest that you stay overnight near the Mayo Clinic you plan to go to. That way you will be more relaxed when you arrive for your appointment. In addition, you might like to make your reservation to stay over the day of your appointment. You can always cancel if you don't need it but in my experience sometimes tests or appointments are added on to your schedule once you are at Mayo Clinic. The schedulers try very hard to meet your time constraints and schedule.

@gingerw posted a link for a Mayo Clinic Connect discussion on traveling to Mayo Clinic. Which campus will you travel to? Minnesota, Florida, or Arizona?

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Thank you...I will be staying at my nephews 15 minutes from the clinic in Minnesota.
I will arrive at his house Tues evening before my wed appt and he is going drive me there.
i will have thurs and friday available if need be i can stay there.


@da69 Anytime we are visiting a new facility, it can be daunting, that's for sure! Here is a link to a support group here for visiting Mayo Clinic. Why don't you wander through the different threads and see what information will help in your own situation? You should be able to contact the campus where you will be, and ask them how long you should expect to be there; a couple of days, of what. Seeing that you already have an appointment, I believe using this link will get you to the people who can give you some info for how long you'll be there

I agree with @frouke that some of our medications can become less effective over a long course of time. That had happened to me, also.

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Thank you...I have been on a bunch of new meds based on a genesight test and nothing has worked...TMS did nothing for me either.
None of the new meds i have tried worked.
They had no effect on me one way or another except Vraylar which gave me Akethesia.
Klonopin is the only thing that works for my daily anxiety which i take .05 at bedtime
and one during the day as needed which is becoming more frequent and some days i suffer
through it and don't take as needed because i am scared of becoming addicted.
Somedays it's so bad i have no choice and have to take a extra one during the day.
1mg a day is the most i have ever takin and it just barely takes the edge off.
The shaking and tremors are out of control combined with my other symptoms
and its to the point where im exsisting and not living.


Thank you...I will be staying at my nephews 15 minutes from the clinic in Minnesota.
I will arrive at his house Tues evening before my wed appt and he is going drive me there.
i will have thurs and friday available if need be i can stay there.

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@da69 Oh, that’s a good plan. You will have flexibility in your schedule and be with family.


I am sorry you are going through this. I have some mild long covid symptoms over a year later myself. Tips that I believe Mayo Clinic gives include: come with a list of medicines you can currently take, write down questions for the doctor, read the guidelines that are listed with the Mayo Clinic appointment and follow them. I always bring pen and paper with me and I bring someone with me if I can to write important things down also so I can listen closely. Hope some of this helps you.

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