Managing Breast Cancer and Diabetes

Posted by cgirl0721 @cgirl0721, Oct 27, 2021

Any suggestions on getting through “Herceptin” breast cancer treatments while managing the ups and downs of diabetes?

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I will be crossing my fingers for you this week.


My brother had to take insulin while he was on strong chemo for 4 months then returned to his normal controls when he was done. Those extreme highs and lows are dangerous, especially when your system is being taxed already by herceptin. Please talk to whatever doctor you normally see about your diabetes to get this under control, it might only have to be temporary, but during herceptin your body needs all the love you can give it. Do you normally see an endocrinologist for your diabetes?

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Can you get on an insulin pump and Continuous Glucose Monitor? Have you tried a low carb diet and regular exercise (however mild) at the same time each day, and a regular eating schedule? Most of all, does your oncologist talk to your endocrinologist? It seems doctors never do that but it would be helpful. They each probably don't know much about the other's specialty! So sorry you are dealing with this.

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That’s apart of the issue doctors reacting to their individual numbers and not effectively coordinating. Recently got the PCP back involved.


You might have to really not be afraid to fight for what you need here. If your doctors are all within the same system it should be pretty simple for them to coordinate. A little more involved if they aren’t but still doable. Have you contacted your doctor yet?

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Of course. Yes. Doctors not in the same system unfortunately.


@rach1009, this is the discussion I am recommending that you join to meet others like @cgirl0721 who is also managing type 2 diabetes and breast cancer. @windyshores lives with type 1 diabetes and breast cancer. I hope you'll join the gang here.


@rach1009, this is the discussion I am recommending that you join to meet others like @cgirl0721 who is also managing type 2 diabetes and breast cancer. @windyshores lives with type 1 diabetes and breast cancer. I hope you'll join the gang here.

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Thanks I will

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