Mammo call back

Posted by mlsocci74 @mlsocci74, Sep 25, 2023

Hello yall. I'm Melissa. I am 48 (49 on saturday) and get my mammogram yearly. My first one in 2017 required a callback where they did a diagnostic mammo and US. Wasn't worried as I knew it often happens for first mammogram. All was fine "Tomosynthesis Findings: Benign-appearing Well-circumscribed equal density lesion just lateral to the nipple at anterior to
middle depth only seen on the cc view. Ultrasound findings: Mildly prominent ducts noted at 3:00 anterior depth may contribute to the appearance on mammogram.

In 2021 had another callback and had a diagnostic mammogram with that one, again wasn't super worried as I understand it happens. Finding was "1. Right breast focal asymmetry effaces with spot compression and is considered benign 2. Recommend annual screening mammography in one year, sooner if indicated clinically. BI-RADS CATEGORY 2: BENIGN"

Now to this years mammogram which was last Monday. Got a call back. "FINDINGS: Interval 5 mm smoothly marginated nodular focus in the retroareolar region on the left. Interval prominence of retroareolar soft tissue superior to the nipple on the right."

I go Thursday for a diagnostic US. I understand the likelyhood of it being anything bad is slim. But I just have a bad feeling this time. Still staying fairly calm though. I have tried reaching my sis for her thoughts (she is an ob/gyn) and advice, but having a hard time connecting with her. I am completely confused about the wording of the finding this time about the prominence of soft tissue.

As for family history, my mom had cervical cancer when she was young(ish) and my brother is delaing with melanoma for a few years now.

Thank you to anyone who takes the time to read this or give thoughts/opinions/advice. I apprecaite it.

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Breast Cancer Support Group.


Biopsy scheduled for 11/2. My doctor didn’t like what she saw and read in the report so biopsy it is.

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After a diagnostic mammogram and US the radiologist recommended I come back in 6 months for another mammogram. My primary care doctor said I might want to follow up with a breast specialist. I couldn’t decide and thought about it for over 2 weeks. A friend told me if I was going to worry for 6 months about whether I was making the right decision about going to the specialist, I’d probably be better off just going, getting a biopsy, and not ruin 6 months. She was right. I was surprised that the biopsy, for me, was a nothingburger. Hoping your procedure goes well, too!


Thank you for sharing and your positive vibes. This is probably why I’m less stressed than when I waited for the ultrasound. It just feel less stressed. Lol


Had my biopsy on Thursday. Was not bad at all though I was nervous about the procedure itself, it was not worth the worry. Should hear back by tomorrow. Just updating for anyone following or finds my story similar to theirs.


Had my biopsy on Thursday. Was not bad at all though I was nervous about the procedure itself, it was not worth the worry. Should hear back by tomorrow. Just updating for anyone following or finds my story similar to theirs.

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Any update, @mlsocci74? What did you learn from the biopsy?


Any update, @mlsocci74? What did you learn from the biopsy?

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Yes! It is benign 💗💗. I didn’t want to leave anyone wondering. And anyone searching through the stories like I did. 💗


I will send positive thoughts and prayers. Please have your physician request a Breast MRI with and without contrast immediately. It is the best screening.
Don't waste time. Ask lots of questions.
I posted quitely a lengthly response on the Breast Cancer support post.
Look for colleep
All the Best


Yes! It is benign 💗💗. I didn’t want to leave anyone wondering. And anyone searching through the stories like I did. 💗

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@mlsocci74, throwing confetti your way. Fantastic news.


@mlsocci74, throwing confetti your way. Fantastic news.

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Thank you so very much 💗💗💗

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