Making sense of it all

Posted by msh466 @msh466, Jan 28 10:51am

today like yesterday or tomorrow and the years to come I have to deal with my own dilemma. Illness plays havoc with my psyche as I already have anxiety and depression. Doctors treat me with therapies and pills to overcome any issues I have mentally. The illness itself is a wait and see approach, which only adds to the uncertainty as it festers and manifests in my mind. Retirement is full of unknowns and as I get older I guess I can expect the unexpected. How to deal with it though has become sort of a challenge. For there is no clear path now to follow. I guess you live for today and the days ahead with humor, humility and courage.

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When we get older and have physical problems things get really confusing as you pointed out. But if you just give up all of your problems to God everything will work out OK. God's all we ever had and all we need. It states in the Bible to "take no thought for the morrow because the evil is sufficient unto the day thereof." (I quoted that from memory, so it may not be totally correctly quoted.) So, just put everything in God's hands. He has a plan for you and it's a good one.
I wish you the best.


When we get older and have physical problems things get really confusing as you pointed out. But if you just give up all of your problems to God everything will work out OK. God's all we ever had and all we need. It states in the Bible to "take no thought for the morrow because the evil is sufficient unto the day thereof." (I quoted that from memory, so it may not be totally correctly quoted.) So, just put everything in God's hands. He has a plan for you and it's a good one.
I wish you the best.

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Like myself. I get in my own way...God's to..always been an overthinker. Worry about everything. Letting go sounds is. I've done it many times...but somehow I end up on the wrong path again...(lifeofaddiction)


Yes Gods will is without question the saving grace of one’s own existence. To not give in to anxiety and depression, but encapsulate it and send it to Gods loving hands. I wish it was that easy. Mentally I take the brunt of what it truly reveals. Weakness and uncertainty as life trudges on.


Uncertainty about one's health is all-consuming. I am in a similar situation, and feel the anxiety and depression growing. I wish I could break free of the hold it has on me.


Yes Gods will is without question the saving grace of one’s own existence. To not give in to anxiety and depression, but encapsulate it and send it to Gods loving hands. I wish it was that easy. Mentally I take the brunt of what it truly reveals. Weakness and uncertainty as life trudges on.

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Oh if it only was...that easy..I pray 🙏 everyone finds what it is or what it matter what or whom you believe get back to where we need to be...God bless 🙌 🙏 (#struggling)


As I or we collectively struggled with our own dilemma. As per our forseen destiny, it is not for us to question why. But to understand the reason we belong. Bound by life’s many constraints and hardships. Yet we do prevail in the end with gladness in our hearts and comfort close by.


Yes Gods will is without question the saving grace of one’s own existence. To not give in to anxiety and depression, but encapsulate it and send it to Gods loving hands. I wish it was that easy. Mentally I take the brunt of what it truly reveals. Weakness and uncertainty as life trudges on.

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I have struggled with anxiety and depression my entire life. It’s complicated. Partly due to childhood trauma and abuse from first spouse, which I’ve done my best to receive counseling. I take antidepressants and something for anxiety and OCD. Also, I’ve endured numerous head injuries, some during childhood, some from domestic violence, 2 car accidents and then I was forced to retire 15 years early due to a fall at home that left me disabled. I don’t look disabled, so people don’t treat me with respect or understand when I duck out of activities from brain exhaustion. I have almost all the symptoms of CTE, which is what football players get but can’t be diagnosed until an autopsy is performed. So there you are. I was working and enjoying a full life and in one day, my entire life changed. Fortunately, I’m high-functioning physically. I have an “invisible disability “ that makes socializing almost impossible and I’m very out going. I do have a marvelous husband who’s very supportive. Not every one is as blessed.
Because of my faith, I’ve learned to accept suffering as a fact of life. Every person on earth experiences suffering. I should not be exempt simply because I am a devout Catholic. In fact, I try my best to use my worst days when I’m bed- bound due to indescribable migraines (like nothing I’ve experienced in my life!) , I use this time to pray for others who are also suffering in this world.
I also try to give as much as I can to help the poor by contributing to food banks, etc. It is good to remind ourselves there are others suffering, too.
God loves us all. Call on Him and reach out to help others, even if it’s a prayer for others suffering from depression or homelessness, and other hardships. This life is so brief. Heaven is eternal happiness! I will definitely be praying for everyone in this group. Don’t get me wrong, I have days/ weeks where I get on crying spells and don’t want to do anything but sleep. That is human nature. Be gentle with yourself and remember how merciful God is and how much He loves you.


Prayers are good. For the soul or contemplation. For the poor people out in LA who lost everything. Thoughts and prayers maybe to gain new insight to those who are suffering or in despair. Though I do pray for myself it’s always with the intentions that others will benefit from me to become a better person under Christ. And in doing so share the light of redemption. What we have is an understanding that life is limited. Finite. It passes before our eyes. We can never go back to correct the wrongs but we can ask for forgiveness and compassion and pray that today we are better Christian’s so tomorrow we can learn to laugh with joy in our hearts.


I have struggled with anxiety and depression my entire life. It’s complicated. Partly due to childhood trauma and abuse from first spouse, which I’ve done my best to receive counseling. I take antidepressants and something for anxiety and OCD. Also, I’ve endured numerous head injuries, some during childhood, some from domestic violence, 2 car accidents and then I was forced to retire 15 years early due to a fall at home that left me disabled. I don’t look disabled, so people don’t treat me with respect or understand when I duck out of activities from brain exhaustion. I have almost all the symptoms of CTE, which is what football players get but can’t be diagnosed until an autopsy is performed. So there you are. I was working and enjoying a full life and in one day, my entire life changed. Fortunately, I’m high-functioning physically. I have an “invisible disability “ that makes socializing almost impossible and I’m very out going. I do have a marvelous husband who’s very supportive. Not every one is as blessed.
Because of my faith, I’ve learned to accept suffering as a fact of life. Every person on earth experiences suffering. I should not be exempt simply because I am a devout Catholic. In fact, I try my best to use my worst days when I’m bed- bound due to indescribable migraines (like nothing I’ve experienced in my life!) , I use this time to pray for others who are also suffering in this world.
I also try to give as much as I can to help the poor by contributing to food banks, etc. It is good to remind ourselves there are others suffering, too.
God loves us all. Call on Him and reach out to help others, even if it’s a prayer for others suffering from depression or homelessness, and other hardships. This life is so brief. Heaven is eternal happiness! I will definitely be praying for everyone in this group. Don’t get me wrong, I have days/ weeks where I get on crying spells and don’t want to do anything but sleep. That is human nature. Be gentle with yourself and remember how merciful God is and how much He loves you.

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Thanks for the inspirational comments @catmat I think it is wonderful you have some peace through faith...honestly, it is a gift I have yet to receive. Enjoyed hearing something optimistic.


@mikekennedy759 you will definitely be in my prayers, friend. ( If I may call you friend, that is!)

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