Magnesium & PMR/GCA & digestive homeostasis

Posted by redboat @redboat, Mar 18, 2023

I've had to double my magnesium supplementation for "digestive homeostasis" (ie so I can poop regularly) since getting ill. I'm using magnesium glycinate & magnesium-threonate.

Anyone else experience similar effects?

I've had PMR/GCA or something similar since Jan 14, 2023. Started on Prednisone on Feb 2, currently on 60 mg/day, but should start tapering soon.

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Polymyalgia Rheumatica (PMR) Support Group.

According to these websites, prednisone causes magnesium depletion.

So 60 mg/day of prednisone may be the reason I've needed to double my magnesium supplementation to "stay regular".

My doctors did not warn me.


I was not aware of that also. But since I have Crohn's too, I always let my body tell me how much suppliment I need. Meaning: If t gives me loose stools, that is probably too much, or right on the edge.


Yes, I let my body's response guide me too.

And I'm now finding I need to TRIPLE (!) my magnesium supplementation over pre-prednisone intake to keep things moving.

Haven't even approached a "loose stool" yet.


I was not aware of that also. But since I have Crohn's too, I always let my body tell me how much suppliment I need. Meaning: If t gives me loose stools, that is probably too much, or right on the edge.

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So you are someone else with possible spondyloarthrits since you have Crohn's.

Everything seems to point to the gut. My reactive arthritis was likely triggered by an enteric infection. My doctor seemed certain about reactive arthritis when my HLA-B27 can back positive.

Having been previously diagnosed with inflammatory arthritis created some confusion when PMR was diagnosed. My rheumatologist said it was unfortunate that I had both PMR and inflammatory arthritis.

I asked my rheumatologist if there was any rule that prohibited more than one autoimmune disease. The answer was that there wasn't any rule. Then she said that in some people having one autoimmune disorder created a tendency to have another autoimmune disorder.,is%20recognized%20with%20increasing%20frequency.
Now my rheumatologist says I have a "full range" of rheumatology problems.

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