Lyme disease and neuropathy

Posted by tdemaria @tdemaria, Dec 30, 2018

I think I have been misdiagnosed for the last year. I think I have Lyme disease causing my neuropathy. I was tested negative but all my symptoms point to Lyme. My neoropathy came on in less than 60 days from being fully healthy. I have neck pain, night sweats, irregular heart beat, tiredness and joint pain along with neuropathy that comes and goes. I noticed a small rash/discoloration on the inside of my thigh which is spreading, Can you test negative but still have Lyme disease? I don't think you get RA in 60 days, I was riding my bike 10 miles a day just prior to all this. No problems ever with neuropathy or RA. I am at my wits end. They even recommended me having neck surgery for a bulging disk, I have had it for 15 years no major issues, slight pain and mobility issues but nothing Major. Anyone have any specialty with Lyme disease.

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My Lyme disease started from my TBI accident 12 years ago. My life has changed causing #10 Lyme “Cognitive” (it takes me a 3 min to write & the spelling of it). That means I’ve lost of talking, understanding, and doing with someone else.

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