Lupron treatment and Fatigue...

Posted by ronc320403 @ronc320403, Jan 3 12:11pm

I am having to decide about Lupron dosages. I can either got monthly or go quarterly. I would get a 3 month dose, in 90 days check the PSA.

I am a care giver for my wife, is the Lupron going to knock me down so I will not be able to tend to our needs, such as meal, laundry and doing the shopping?

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I’ve been on Lupron for almost two years now. Thankfully I just had my last four month shot and I’m hopeful that I will get some relief soon. The side effects are problematic and that includes fatigue, loss of strength and stamina, depression and lack of motivation just to name a few. I’m a full time self employed farmer and rancher and it’s been a real struggle to keep my operation going. I’ve suffered financial losses as a result of my inability to keep up. But I am also dealing with other health issues that are far worse than the prostate cancer. I mostly work alone every day with some occasional part time help. It helps to get adequate sleep at night and I take breaks throughout the day, especially during the cold weather and blizzard conditions we have been getting lately. I can certainly sympathize with anyone who is getting Lupron or other similar hormone treatments!


I had the 6 month injection of Lupron 6/30/23 and side effects are miserable. Hot flashes suck, stomach issues, difficult breathing(shortness of breath) are a few of the side effects. I followed the shot with 39 EBRT which just ended a few months ago. This road is not for the faint of heart that’s for sure. One thing that is so frustrating to me who was in great athletic shape for a guy 70 years old is the non responsiveness of your cancer team from the radiation oncologist to the PCP, and somewhat the urologist. I have been sick with stomach issues since the EBRT started having passed out 2 times now, bloated stomach where I look like a 9 month pregnant woman, hot flashes and little appetite. Everyone responds differently from the ADT shot and radiation treatments. I’m not upset with any of my doctors I just want to start feeling better.
Wish all you guys the best, and for you that say that during radiation you were told you needed to drink more water, NEVER guys did I get told that! You obviously weren’t drinking that much water. I know, during my 39 EBRT I figured it out!

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SAME THING. Little interest when reaching out to Oncologist or Urologist!
One comment might be, "That is odd, I've had few if any report those issues".
AND you feel like you are pestering them.


I’ve been on Lupron for almost two years now. Thankfully I just had my last four month shot and I’m hopeful that I will get some relief soon. The side effects are problematic and that includes fatigue, loss of strength and stamina, depression and lack of motivation just to name a few. I’m a full time self employed farmer and rancher and it’s been a real struggle to keep my operation going. I’ve suffered financial losses as a result of my inability to keep up. But I am also dealing with other health issues that are far worse than the prostate cancer. I mostly work alone every day with some occasional part time help. It helps to get adequate sleep at night and I take breaks throughout the day, especially during the cold weather and blizzard conditions we have been getting lately. I can certainly sympathize with anyone who is getting Lupron or other similar hormone treatments!

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I'm just about to start. Find out when in about 30 minutes. If we were neighbors, be glad to make you a half a hand as I'm retired. Really on my best day probably wouldn't make that half. You're in a tough spot, sure makes it hard for me to complain. God bless!

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