Lung Abalation or surgery

Posted by varg4258 @varg4258, 5 days ago

Never smoked in my life. I had lung resection surgery before to remove two nodules. Found two more nodules on the CT scan last week.
Increase in size of a 0.9 cm left upper lobe nodule, previously 0.5 cm
Stable 0.3 cm left upper lobe nodule.

Is Lung ablation the best approach or another lung resection? Not looking forward to more radiation or surgery.

Any alternative treatment? Mistletoe as a treatment? Any other helpful suggestions to remove adenocarcinoma or prevent from coming back treatments?

Please recommend some lung ablation doctors in Mayo or any other hospital. Any online site reviews for Mayo doctors ?

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@varg4258: well, that is a healing suggestion I like… mistletoe!!!!
I’m not making light of your situation, seeing alarming symptoms that have unknown cause is worrisome. I hope that doc has immediate cure… then you can get back to your regimen of mistletoe. I admire &want to encourage your sense of humor… a barrier from Life’s curve-balls! Hug.


I relate to your situation. I have had two lung resections and a 3-sitting SBRT session for total of 4 nodules treated. I now have another nodule under observation. I think the first question to ask is what do the updated pulmonary function tests show? Your lung capacity will determine the treatment options available to you. It is important to conserve lung function because treatments can cause further scarring in the lung reducing lung capacity.
Ablation has been mentioned to me in the past. At Mayo I understand they are looking at going down the throat and not through the lung. You might inquire if you would be a candidate.


Hello @varg4258, Lung nodules and lung cancer aren't just for smokers. Advocacy groups say, 'anyone with lungs can get lung cancer', and unfortunately, it's true.
You mentioned having a lung resection in the past, were those nodules non-cancerous? These nodules could be the same, is your doctor able to access them for a biopsy? I know that's not always possible.

I haven't explored ablation myself, but here's is a link to Mayo Clinic info regarding lung ablation:


I've been dealing with malignant lung nodules since 2018 and they've been treated with radiation. I've looked into ablation, but there seems to be very little information on it, and my oncologist feels it's not an effective form of treatment. Any information members can supply here would be much appreciated. I really don't understand why it's not being used more.

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