Lumpectomy vs mastectomy

Posted by lpk28 @lpk28, Oct 6, 2023

Good morning.

I am 34, in the IDC club and up to my eyeballs with conflicting information. My surgeon extremely favors double mastectomy where other doctors have explained there is almost zero factual upside to DMX besides peace of mind placebo.

I would love some personal insight on those who have done either one and if you regret anything, had reoccurrence, had a dmx and found a “surprise” cancer cell elsewhere in the breast that wouldn’t have been found with a lumpectomy, anything to help decide.

If I go ahead with the dmx, I am getting reconstruction.

Also, I am scheduled for surgery 3 months out from my diagnosis date. Is this normal?

Thank you

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I was diagnosed with with DCIS ER POSITIVE and also question myself what's better. One surgeon suggested lumpectomy, radiation and medication while another one was leaning towards mastectomy saying no radiation and sides effects from it , no medication afterwards and their sides effects , no mammograms in the future , no recurrence of breast cancer period . Sounds great but I still don't know what I should choose .... I am 53 . Still one last consult with another doctor . I am on the same boat.... double mastectomy is serious procedure and I rather avoid it I guess but if my genetic results will show mutation..... then I think I need it. Hugs to you and every woman in this group !!!!! Be strong ! Heads down to all of you , strong ladies who went and who going through this HORRIBLE DIAGNOSIS ! I am far away from being strong .....❤️🙏🏻

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My aunt had a mastectomy & the cancer returned. However, with a mastectomy, they cannot do mammograms. Just make the decision that is right for you as it’s a very personal decision. I just had my lumpectomy this past Tuesday & I’m still healing. My thoughts & prayers are with you.


My aunt had a mastectomy & the cancer returned. However, with a mastectomy, they cannot do mammograms. Just make the decision that is right for you as it’s a very personal decision. I just had my lumpectomy this past Tuesday & I’m still healing. My thoughts & prayers are with you.

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I am sorry to hear that about your aunt! Never assumed after doctors visit that cancer might return after mastectomy! UGH ! I guess I am the most stressing about radiation! Left side , heart underneath, lungs .... how not to think about these things or any like them .... that is my problem ! Wishing you complete healing and peace!


I am sorry to hear that about your aunt! Never assumed after doctors visit that cancer might return after mastectomy! UGH ! I guess I am the most stressing about radiation! Left side , heart underneath, lungs .... how not to think about these things or any like them .... that is my problem ! Wishing you complete healing and peace!

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Ty, here in 2023 still so much we don’t know. I’m ER positive, told about radiation, but since I just had surgery this week, I’m few weeks out from that. I was very fortunate as mine was caught very early. I have read left side most common place, i still have a small stable blood clot from a saddle pulmonary embolism in 2019. I just try to take 1 day at a time, give thanks to God for each and for the many who have been cheering me on. While this journey is early, last year I fractured my back, so there it just seems like it’s been 1 thing after another, yet I know how blessed I am & I’m trying to hold onto the good things. Hopefully better days are ahead, if not, I have found so many encouragers here while I am new in this journey. And people who have already know what we’ve gone through. ❤️ That truly helps. Wishing & praying healing & peace for you. ❤️



Four years post diagnosis — bilateral mastectomy with reconstruction — diagnosed June 2019 - DMX September 2019 -

As others have noted this is a very personal decision and everyone is different — we all make the best decision we can based on the information we have at that moment — so much has changed for the better in just the four years since my diagnosis —

- age 62 excellent health at diagnosis
- found during manual exam by PCP - no indications in past annual mammograms including most recent
- confirmed carcinoma using ultrasound followed by biopsy
- right breastbearly stage ICC (Invasive Cribriform Carcinoma) treated same as IDC
- options at initial diagnosis included lumpectomy w/radiation; single mastectomy; bilateral mastectomy
- subsequent MRI of both breasts prior to surgery showed additional nodules not found in ultrasound — total of three in right breast and single suspicious nodule in left breast
- lumpectomy no longer an option
- opted for bilateral mastectomy with reconstruction
- surgery pathology report showed three early stage carcinoma in right breast - left breast nodule was non-cancerous

I am at peace with my decision for DMX — my anxiety level was just too high thinking of going in every 6 months for a mammogram and other tests to “watch” the nodule in my left breast —

Many women opt for a different path — You will receive information from your team and your support system and make your decision with what you can be most at peace with —

Cancer is insidious! We know recurrence can occur at any time and we remain vigilant —

Have a team you can trust — be surrounded by those you love — stay strong!

You will get through this 🙂

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