Lumbar Spinal Fusion, Post-Op Day 6. Should I have these symptoms?

Posted by denman55 @denman55, May 28 3:05am

Today is Day 6 Post Op from having my Lumbar Spinal Fusion - which is one month from having my initial Laminectomy. So I guess at this stage I am recovering actually from 2 surgeries. I am stiff, sore, in pain, have areas of swelling and numbness, and I believe I also have foot drop on my (R) foot. I also have constipation brought on by the opioid medication I chose to take which is now wrecking havoc on my life. So I guess I need to talk with others who have been on this journey and ask all of you.....Should I have all these symptoms on Day 6?

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I hear you! It was over a year ago that I had my operation for spinal stenosis. The doctor(s) didn't tell me how long it took to recover. I found change after six months. I've found change after a year and I am still improving. Be careful how you go off the opioids. I was determined to get off them and I almost had a heart attack from overdoing Advil. One doctor said it was a "mini" heart attack because my blood pressure went so high. I was taking three Advil a day for about a week or more. No one told me to go off it after three days. Scary.

Be patient. I know that's easier said than actually doing it. It's worth it in the long run.


Well, my first one was 2020, getting ready for the second one. As far as constipation, that's par for the course with opioids - I'm shocked, well, maybe not, that you weren't educated about this. Ask your doc about OTC Colace, Miralax, or docusate. That should help move things along. What works for me (and I have a SUPER high pain tolerance after 20 years) is augmenting with tylenol (can't take NSAIDs) every 4-6 hours. I only opioids when I HAVE to. Let me explain - when my pain level is above 5-6, opioid; below that tylenol. But - and this is IMPORTANT! - while I was recovering, I dosed tylenol round the clock to play 'beat the pain'. (I've been an RN for 20 years, I'm kinda ticked if this wasn't all explained to you!) Talk to your doc's RN and see what is the best recourse for you because your pain is not controlled. No shame in that game. Feel better!!

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