Lumbar Back Problems

Posted by grhaibach @grhaibach, Apr 27, 2023

I have been diagnosed (MRI) with spinal stenosis, osteoarthritis, and disc bulging - mostly in lumbar area - moderate to severe
Working with a physiotherapist, he has alleviated some of the pain, but has done nothing that would make things better. Am on pain medication, as well.
My question - what kind of medical expertise do you suggest I need to help me?

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See Dr shubiNer on u tube or Dr. Random,they are neurologists that write about somatic mind body connection. It is very interesting and can be a lot of help.


Your description sounds very much like my issues. I would like to know what treatments and meds have been useful to you. Thanks in advance for your help.

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I am sorry. Just seeing this comment. There was a recommended extensive surgery but they put it on hold given there was concern about bone density and whether it would hold if they did the surgery.

At the moment, I am taking a monthly injection by Novartis called Cosentyx which which blocks IL17 gene expression to reduce inflammation. It has lessened according to my last MRI in August 2023. I will be undergoing some more blood and urine test to check for C Reactin levels and othere to vheck for bone loss and reabsorption to see if I am losing more bone in the hopes there is an improvement. I do not want to take bone density medication as it has its own issues and I am instead working on trying to prevent more bone loss by doing microbiome balancing by doing a detox to help with nutrient absorption. I am also started taking bio-identical hormones replacement as 50 percent of women who are post menopausal who don't take them end up with osteoporosis. I am also taking supplements like collagen, calcium, magnesium, vitamins E and K2 plus others to help prevent more bone loss and encourage new. I have issues with medication not agreeing with me so I take dilaudid and ibuprofen to help with pain reduction which doesn't help that much unfortunately. It simply takes the edge off. I find meditation and avoiding stressful situations helps more. My body and brain is used to pain so I am working on trying to rewire it to convince it that I am safe and that there is no need to continue to cause me pain.

Sorry I couldn't be of more help. I hope you have found an effective solution to your situation. Sending you love and light.

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