Losing a great Rheumatology nurse practioner

Posted by paktoledo @paktoledo, Aug 5, 2023

I have had lupus since 2017. I have been seeing Sarah Davis, a wonderful nurse.
But, she is gone to take another position.
I am in a rural town. My PCP thinks he can mange my lupus. However, he seems clueless. He said he would treat my RA. I am not RA.
Should I trust a general practioner with my case? I have multiple of health issues.
I don't have any access to a Rheumatologist here in town. I would have to try to get into Mayo in Rochester.
My PCP can be stubborn.
I was thinking of trying a Internal medicine doctor.
I have even though of going outside Mayo.
What do you all think?
Thank you! Pat

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Hi @paktoledo, I'm sorry to hear you are losing your rheumatology nurse practitioner. Rochester Mayo Clinic would certainly be a good choice if it's an option to see a rheumatologist. I had Dr. Thomas G. Osborn who first diagnosed me with PMR and I see he specializes in Lupus, Scleroderma and Sjogren's syndrome - https://www.mayoclinic.org/biographies/osborn-thomas-g-m-d/bio-20054469

Are you able to contact your nurse practitioner to see if she might have a recommendation for someone local?


I can contact her through my portol. Thank you for the suggestion! Pat


Hi @paktoledo, I'm sorry to hear you are losing your rheumatology nurse practitioner. Rochester Mayo Clinic would certainly be a good choice if it's an option to see a rheumatologist. I had Dr. Thomas G. Osborn who first diagnosed me with PMR and I see he specializes in Lupus, Scleroderma and Sjogren's syndrome - https://www.mayoclinic.org/biographies/osborn-thomas-g-m-d/bio-20054469

Are you able to contact your nurse practitioner to see if she might have a recommendation for someone local?

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I just messaged Sarah to see who she would recommend. Thanks again, Pat


Hi @paktoledo, I'm sorry to hear you are losing your rheumatology nurse practitioner. Rochester Mayo Clinic would certainly be a good choice if it's an option to see a rheumatologist. I had Dr. Thomas G. Osborn who first diagnosed me with PMR and I see he specializes in Lupus, Scleroderma and Sjogren's syndrome - https://www.mayoclinic.org/biographies/osborn-thomas-g-m-d/bio-20054469

Are you able to contact your nurse practitioner to see if she might have a recommendation for someone local?

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I am going to check into the doctor you mentioned.


Do you think I should continue with my rheumatologist for my Mucous Membrane Pemphigoid instead of a dermatologist, oral medicine doc, periodontist , ophthalmologist, ENT & OB/GYN.
Their communication with each other is just ok.

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