Looking for help with disseminated coccidiomycosis (Valley Fever)

Posted by cmillard @cmillard, Sep 16, 2024

My husband has disseminated coccidiomycosis. We have had trouble finding an infectious disease specialist, but we have an appointment in October. It is in his lungs and a biopsy showed it under his tongue. I suspect it is in his brain. If I am right, he will have to be hospitalized and have amphotericin B via IV. Has anyone been this route and what can I expect?

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My son has same as your husband. He got Valley Fever when he was 38 years old. He is 45 now . He will be on anti fungal meds for the rest of his life. He has a very good doctor in Santa Barbara, Ca. I am very sorry to hear about your husband.


@cmillard Are you living in an area where Valley Fever is common? If not, be sure to seek out a local infectious disease doc who is familiar with treating it. That way you can be sure they are familiar with the latest protocols for treatment. Your husband MAY be hospitalized at first, but would soon be released. Treatment has advanced with the development of new oral antifungal medications over the past few years. Here is some good information about it:
Our member @rstel7272 has a different fungal infection, but he can tell you what it is like to take these medications.


He is on flucanozole which doesn't play well with his cancer meds but we have no choice. Brain MRI on September 26th. We live in southern Utah and I'm told there are a number of cases here as the large amount of construction disturbs the soil. We finally got an appointment with the infectious disease specialist in October so I hope for some help there.

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