Long Haul Covid Devastation

Posted by williamkelly3370 @williamkelly3370, Jun 9, 2023

Got mild covid in 12/20/20. I'm now worse than ever, 2 1/2 years later. I've been very active all my l'm 69, I can hardly walk 200 ft, and have to lay down for a few hours. I have severe, fatigue, anxiety, depression, taste & smell OK, No apatite and live alone. Wife of 38 yrs. passed in the beginning of this and my doctor says "I just have to get over that!"
My live is gone. I hope and pray they will persist with research for this but, it doesn't look good.
Sorry for my babbling,

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Blessings compadre! My Long Covid condition exactly like yours! 2+ years of total joint pain- now whole body! ApCodein helps pain some but now hurt all over, dizzy and brain fog! I’m 80ish years!😇
Top Palo Alto docs have no ideas other than pain pills- don’t care if it might be Neuropathy- “no meds for that!” One friend with similar symptoms tried ApCodein suicide! But it didn’t work! Anybody know of any cures?🥵


Bill, I'm sorry to hear about what you are having to go through, especially the grief of losing your wife on top of all you're long term symptoms. Your doctor should be ashamed for telling you to get over it. I've been dealing with long covid for over two years plus the grief I have from losing my husband almost six years ago. The grief eventually softens but will always be with you. I won't go on about my lingering symptoms. This is about you right now. Don't apologize for babbling. Babble all you want. I hope you have a support system. If not, check and see if you can find a good online grief support group since you have trouble getting around. Best wishes to you. Don't give up, try to do as much as you can.


They are saying the vegus nerve which controls your bodily functions is a large cause of are problems learn how to message the vegus nerve in your neck and behind your ears you can also by a stimulating device called ten device this has helped me,I guess they can put a device in your neck to help stimulate this nerve .


Bill - So sorry for your loss of both your wife and the person you used to be prior to COVID. I can’t imagine having to deal with your loss while suffering from the physical effects of LC. I’m so discouraged with the non-progress being made in treating LC. I don’t hear of any major studies or clinical trials to combat this scourge. After the govt went gung ho with the vaccine and funding has dried up, they’ve just put LC on the back burner and forgotten about it. I’ve read some people have been helped by a second course of Paxlovid. Is that something to pursue??
Well Bill, when ever you feel the need to ask for advice or just vent, you know you’ll have a lot of sympathetic ears here who understand what you’re going through.


Thanks so much. I'm just to emotional right now to comment. + typing is hard, now

Thanks Again, Bill.


I would try anything at this stage of the game. Kill me or cure me, Doesn't really matter if you can't do anything.


I'm new here. I'm experiencing internal tremors. Started right when I was getting better from Covid now they don't stop it's all day and with this extream fatigue I can't do anything for very long. Can't sleep. This is horrid. I'm sorry to all that are suffering.


So sorry! I have similar problems-do you know of Any meds to recommend for long Covid joint pain and chronic fatigue? Can a Neurologist help?


I'm 85 and had Covid twice--so now have long-long covid since 12/2020. Getting up and going to church was a chore but that got me going. I just golfed 9 holes--69 but had fun and was upright the whole way even with the balance problems. HANG IN THERE. Bless your efforts!


For the leg pain and not walking ask your dr about hydroxychloroquine. It saved me. I couldn’t walk or get up off the sofa anymore. It took about 3 months to really kick in but it saved me. Our long Covid symptoms mimic lupus so it makes sense.

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