Living with lung cancer - Introduce yourself & come say hi

Welcome to the Lung Cancer group on Mayo Clinic Connect.
This is a welcoming, safe place where you can meet people living with lung cancer or caring for someone with lung cancer. Let's learn from each other and share stories about living well with cancer, coping with the challenges and offering tips.

I'm Colleen, and I'm the moderator of this group, and Community Director of Connect. Chances are you'll to be greeted by volunteer patient Mentors and fellow members when you post to this group. Learn more about Moderators and Mentors on Connect.

We look forward to welcoming you and introducing you to other members. Feel free to browse the topics or start a new one.
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Waiting for the inevitable can be extremely difficult and anxiety provoking. Do you have help caring for your mom or are you alone in this? You need to be selfish at times at care for yourself too.


We all have things we're waiting on: waiting on a dream to come on pass, waiting for our health to improve,waiting to meet the right person, we know God put the promise in our heart,but we wonder why it's taking so long. When is it ever going to happen? The scripture says, 'there is an appointed time for the promise to be fullfilled. If there's a right time that means any other time is the wrong time, if u dnt undrstnd that God will alwys be right on time, then the delays, the detours, the waiting period will cause u to be fustrated, It's not enough to just trust God? U have to trust in his timing


Oats,leafy vegetables,nuts fruits

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Sounds healthy-so she is eating? That's great. Have a geat day.


Oats,leafy vegetables,nuts fruits


That's a bit low- What is her diet like? Is her appetite down because of all the pain? She needs maybe more iron?


She doesn't have problem with breathing...we checked her hemoglobin too it's 11.1


@merpreb hi ....thanks a lot for your concern....she is doing fine By the Grace of God .....gave her some accupumture on her left hand she found some relief

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Hi!! That's wonderful. She will rest more easily with less pain. How is her breathing?


@merpreb hi ....thanks a lot for your concern....she is doing fine By the Grace of God .....gave her some accupumture on her left hand she found some relief

In reply to @samanthaezu "Photo" + (show)

Good day to you Samantha- How is your mom doing since we last had contact?


Sorry to jump in so late but I had seen your question earlier when I didn't have time to respond. I wanted to pass along something in response to your question on diet. In March I was diagnosed with Adenocarcinoma that was able to be removed surgically, but since it involved one lymph node they also recommended and I opted for 4 rounds of follow-up chemo. Before everything was lined up I pulled up info on Amish Healer Solomon Wickey and his Healing Plan diet that my fiance remembered from when his father had cancer 20 years ago. It was quite well known at the time in our area since he lived in our State and many people around personally knew people who were helped. I went as far as making sure my oncologist didn't see any red flags with the plan and bought the ingredients but only followed it for 2 days. Once I knew I was scheduled for surgery I fell back on comfort food during the days before surgery, to be honest. But, since it sounded like the type of info you were seeking I wanted you to know that if you Google him you should be able to see what you think. I just checked and found what I think was the most helpful site I had found in the Spring- My thoughts and prayers are with you both.

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Hi @bluelagoon, healthy diets can support healing. You were wise to consult your oncologist to ensure that the diet plan didn't raise any red flags. Many cancer centers include dietitians in the cancer team. They are an amazing resource when people have questions about healthy diets and also about getting good nutrition when cancer treatments may make a challenge to get enough calories or cause unwanted weight gain.

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