IBS: How to Live with It (and C Diff)?

Posted by rr1967 @rr1967, Jul 4, 2023

I am a male, lifelong vegetarian, and 55 years old. Last July, I was diagnosed with diverticulitis, for the third time in 19 years. I was put on Augmentin to treat it. Within two days the diarrhea started and I ended up in the ER about 4 days later. The ER doc thought that I may have developed CDIFF because of the Augmentin. I was taken off this med right away and tested for cdiff, then sent home. The following morning, I got the results that I had cdiff and went back to the ER. They then gave me Vancomyacin. It worked and my diarrhea stopped.

However, a week after I finished the vanco treatment, the diarrhea started again and I went to urgent care. Again, tested positive for Cdiff and I went back on Vancomyacin. This worked, but for two more weeks, I had nausea, off and on diarrhea, and severe acid reflux. The reflux was so awful I thought my chest was on fire and I had to take an ambulance to the ER. They gave me esophagus coating medication which took a few days to work. I could not take a real acid reflux medication because that could increase the chances of Cdiff coming back. I also then had an upper GI and all was normal.

I did see several times an outstanding GI specialist who reassured me that I am okay and that it would take months for my gut to heal from the cdiff. I was also diagnosed with chronic IBS-D and this will never go away. There are certain foods I can never eat again and I am trying to go full vegan with the exception of lactose free yogurt and lactose free cheese. He also recommended a probiotic called Florastor that has real clinical research behind it. It is expensive but I started taking it and I really felt better. I did have the occasional bout with diarrhea if I was not careful with my diet.

In March of this year, I had a really bad bout of IBS D and this time they ran a Fecal Calprotectin test to check inflammation in my gut. Test results were normal.

Last Thursday and Friday morning, I had 6 very dark, watery bowel movements between 10pm and 7am. This freaked me out and I ran to urgent care. They ran very detailed stool panel. All results were normal except that they detected cdiff again. I went back in and they told me that I will probably always test positive for Cdiff going forward but as long as I don't have massive, watery diarrhea, the infection is not present...just the germ.

This is what the CDC site also says. People who get a formal diagnosis of Cdiff will always carry the bacteria though have no formal symptoms. Since last Friday, I have have not had any massive watery diarrhea and deal with my "normal" bouts of IBS. No fever, some random pains here and the in my abdomen which I have had for many years.

Finally, I can tell you that I may have anywhere from 2-4 bowel movements a day. At least 2-3 before noon and maybe one in the afternoon. During flare up weeks, I can have up 5-6 movements. My GI doc, who I really like and trust ( very patient, knowledgeable, and a great communicator) states that this is basically my IBS flaring up randomly. During my bout with diverticulitis and Cdiff last summer, I lost over 15 pounds in two months. All blood tests were normal and my doctors told me that I was at my healthy weight and should try to maintain it instead of gaining at all back.

Very frustrating and depressing. I literally avoid going out anywhere in the morning as I need to be near a clean toilet...which is basically my home.

Any thoughts or similar experiences?

Thank you for reading.

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Hello all!
Thank you for reading my post.

I have been an IBS/IBS D sufferer for years. Last summer I was diagnosed with Diverticulitis for the third time and then the treatment led to CDIFF. This was treated over the course of two months and now I live with permanent IBS/IBS D. Trying to figure out how to eat and live right.

I am 55, male, vegetarian my whole life.Borderline type 2 diabetic, but my weight is fine and my blood pressure is managed well. I do suffer with depression, anxiety, and PACS/PVCS. I am attempting to reduce dairy as I love the hard cheeses, but I trying to only eat lactose free yogurt as my only source of dairy.

I have tried to quit gluten but many of the gluten free products do not sit well with me. The tapioca really throws off my gut.

I struggle with beans these days, but I can handle tofu and peas.

My bowel movements are weird. Some days I will have 3-5 movements, others only 2-3.

IBS is very depressing and increases my anxiety which I already suffer with.

I had a colonoscopy two years ago..all fine. I had an upper GI last fall...all normal. Blood work all normal with the exception that I do test positive for cdiff even thought I am not showing the symptoms. I guess once you get cdiff, you will always test positive? Had a full cardio workup...all normal with the exception of PACs which I am told are fully benign...just bothersome.

Any ideas how to live and manage IBS/IBS D. Would love to reduce my bowel movements in a day and get back to enjoying food. I do take Florastor probiotic every day. My awesome GI doc recommended it and it has clinical research.

Thank you


Hello all!
Thank you for reading my post.

I have been an IBS/IBS D sufferer for years. Last summer I was diagnosed with Diverticulitis for the third time and then the treatment led to CDIFF. This was treated over the course of two months and now I live with permanent IBS/IBS D. Trying to figure out how to eat and live right.

I am 55, male, vegetarian my whole life.Borderline type 2 diabetic, but my weight is fine and my blood pressure is managed well. I do suffer with depression, anxiety, and PACS/PVCS. I am attempting to reduce dairy as I love the hard cheeses, but I trying to only eat lactose free yogurt as my only source of dairy.

I have tried to quit gluten but many of the gluten free products do not sit well with me. The tapioca really throws off my gut.

I struggle with beans these days, but I can handle tofu and peas.

My bowel movements are weird. Some days I will have 3-5 movements, others only 2-3.

IBS is very depressing and increases my anxiety which I already suffer with.

I had a colonoscopy two years ago..all fine. I had an upper GI last fall...all normal. Blood work all normal with the exception that I do test positive for cdiff even thought I am not showing the symptoms. I guess once you get cdiff, you will always test positive? Had a full cardio workup...all normal with the exception of PACs which I am told are fully benign...just bothersome.

Any ideas how to live and manage IBS/IBS D. Would love to reduce my bowel movements in a day and get back to enjoying food. I do take Florastor probiotic every day. My awesome GI doc recommended it and it has clinical research.

Thank you

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I have IBS which is becoming chronic. Any suggestions?


Hello all!
Thank you for reading my post.

I have been an IBS/IBS D sufferer for years. Last summer I was diagnosed with Diverticulitis for the third time and then the treatment led to CDIFF. This was treated over the course of two months and now I live with permanent IBS/IBS D. Trying to figure out how to eat and live right.

I am 55, male, vegetarian my whole life.Borderline type 2 diabetic, but my weight is fine and my blood pressure is managed well. I do suffer with depression, anxiety, and PACS/PVCS. I am attempting to reduce dairy as I love the hard cheeses, but I trying to only eat lactose free yogurt as my only source of dairy.

I have tried to quit gluten but many of the gluten free products do not sit well with me. The tapioca really throws off my gut.

I struggle with beans these days, but I can handle tofu and peas.

My bowel movements are weird. Some days I will have 3-5 movements, others only 2-3.

IBS is very depressing and increases my anxiety which I already suffer with.

I had a colonoscopy two years ago..all fine. I had an upper GI last fall...all normal. Blood work all normal with the exception that I do test positive for cdiff even thought I am not showing the symptoms. I guess once you get cdiff, you will always test positive? Had a full cardio workup...all normal with the exception of PACs which I am told are fully benign...just bothersome.

Any ideas how to live and manage IBS/IBS D. Would love to reduce my bowel movements in a day and get back to enjoying food. I do take Florastor probiotic every day. My awesome GI doc recommended it and it has clinical research.

Thank you

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@rr1967, you may find some helpful tips in these related discussions:
- I don't want to settle for IBS-D diagnosis... https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/i-dont-want-to-settle-for-ibs-d-diagnosis/
- Your experiences with IBS: https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/your-experiences-with-ibs-mixed-i-feel-sick-and-alone-in-this/

Did your doctor suggest any diet changes, like to FODMAP diet? Or lifestyle approaches?


I think you are wise to keep up with the probiotic. How do you feel about oatmeal?


Your experience sounds very similar to what my husband went through many years ago. He still has more bowel movements and more urgency than before he had c diff, but now he can live quite normally.
After months of struggling, the doctor prescribed cholestyramine, a drug intended to lower cholesterol. An off-label use of this powder is to bind materials in the intestine and stop the diarrhea. He started on a full dose and tapered off week by week. He still keeps it on hand for flare-ups. He also takes the probiotic Culturelle which works better for him than Florastor.
I hope this is helpful!


@rr1967, you may find some helpful tips in these related discussions:
- I don't want to settle for IBS-D diagnosis... https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/i-dont-want-to-settle-for-ibs-d-diagnosis/
- Your experiences with IBS: https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/your-experiences-with-ibs-mixed-i-feel-sick-and-alone-in-this/

Did your doctor suggest any diet changes, like to FODMAP diet? Or lifestyle approaches?

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Hello Colleen
Thank you for the links and the feedback. I have tried the Fodmap diet. It is difficult for me to do long term being a vegetarian and trying to go vegan. Some of the foods that I love ( broccoli, beans, chickpeas) I am supposed to avoid. I am trying CBT to reduce stress and anxiety and I do see a therapist. I have now completely cut out decaf coffee and have stopped drinking beer or wine ( I only drank a couple of beers or a couple of glasses of wine with my wife once or twice a week anyway).
Thank you!


I think you are wise to keep up with the probiotic. How do you feel about oatmeal?

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Hello Scolio
I love oatmeal and I do eat it on a regular basis.



Hi, RR-- I was wondering how long you've been taking the probiotic and whether you notice any difference so far?
This is very much third-hand information, but a neighbor's friend had some good results by researching and taking some probiotics after a cdiff diagnosis. I don't know exactly what she used or on what kind of schedule but I got the impression that she switched around between different formulas/brands. I think it took quite a while, too.
If you are hoping that cutting back on gluten could be helpful, have you ever looked into other grains such as millet, teff, amaranth grain, quinoa, and kasha/buckwheat? I have used each of these in different ways, including cooking together with oatmeal.
Did you say beans/lentils have been causing you problems lately? How do you do with green vegetables, starchy vegetables, and with fruit?
Another second-hand tip is that supplementing with small amounts of psyllium may sometimes be helpful for ibs-d.

Also here is a thread about pvcs



This is a link to a small study that found that sauerkraut was helpful for some ibs patients, whether it was pasteurized or not. One possible explanation is that even after the probiotic bacteria are reduced or eliminated by pasteurization, there remains in the 'kraut the metabolites that those bacteria made during fermentation--- and that the metabolites (substances made by the bacteria as they grow) play a role in combating other, bad bacteria and the toxic metabolites those bad bacteria make.


Lacto-fermented sauerkraut improves symptoms in IBS patients independent of product pasteurisation – a pilot study - Food & Function (RSC Publishing)

This is a little post touting sauerkraut for gut health, but cautioning to keep the portions small (one spoonful) to avoid laxative effects from larger servings:


Think Twice About Opting Out of Sauerkraut - McGill University


Hello Scolio
I love oatmeal and I do eat it on a regular basis.


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I have oatmeal and a serving of yogurt every morning. Start my day off with these two along with a probiotic capsule. I also cut way back on my coffee consumption several years ago and now only have a cup occasionally. Feel so much better with these changes in my diet.

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