Liver transplant - Let's support each other

Posted by lmctif @lmctif, Oct 29, 2018

What topics do people who are waiting for a liver transplant want to talk about? Who has had a liver transplant and wants to talk about?

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@banzai Jim. I am so sorry to hear about your situation. Medicine is so individualized, and everybody reacts to it differently. The unfortunate part, as you are experiencing is that medical science has not yet reached the point of satisfaction and healing.
Sleeping can be a difficulty with liver disease. I am guessing that you doze a lot during the day. What do you do to pass the time?
How can I support you during this difficult time?

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I try doze but with lactulose n rixfamin n side effects n stomach I can’t rest. Trying alt Meds but docs use meds n side effects r diarrhea n eat n but all matter is trying get transplant. I was Military aircre b combat vet n learned fly after n dive etc. also writer n photography but now too I’ll n tired. If I do one thing day that’s it. I went from 205-135 in year. So I’m cold all time. I gotta get comforter n electric blanket. Thanks for caring. I’m n Facebook but opinionated ha.


Sue, I did not find any information about Psoriatic Cirrhosis. I did see some references that mention that autoimmune diseases like psoriatic arthritis can affect other organs, including liver. Also, there are many diseases that are non alcoholic. This could be a rare condition, or a combination of conditions. Either way, I want you to share this link to Mayo Liver Transplant Department with them. They can read about the Mayo Liver transplant Dept, and use the Contact information to speak to someone in the liver transplant dept about a second opinion.
Liver Transplant Program

I am a patient, and from my own experience, every liver patient has a journey that is as unique as that individual. I do not know, nor am I qualified to answer your questions about specific treatment, consequences, outcomes. Those questions should be addressed only by your friends liver specialist. I am willing, and available to provide any support, resources, and information from my own experiences that could be helpful. I received my own combined liver and kidney transplant at Mayo in 2009.

Let me know how I, or any of our members can be of support. We are always eager to talk with fellow patients on our health journeys.
@suecreader, Will you send an update? Or better, yet, Invite your friend to join the conversation here on Mayo Connect.

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@suecreader @rosemarya I googled "Psoriatic Cirrhosis" (slightly different spelling) and did see a number of things that might be applicable. Sue, you could try that if you have not already. I found it interesting that psoriasis can be related to many other things, I never knew that. What I did know from having cirrhosis that our livers have an influence on so much within our bodies - it's amazing.


I was treated for diabetes for five years then got civil doc diagnosed me as end stage cirrhosis liver. Va pursed around last year n I got Medicare n tricare for life but all say too late or not bad enough for transplant now.
I’m shutting down my stomach n all keep me in pain. All I get is pills. Western Med way. Going use eastern remedies.
Get second opinion yes and best facilities. Time is urgent. Sorry. If I sleep couple hours night or eat I’m ok. For a bit but too weak. Jim

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@banzai Jim. I am so sorry to hear about your situation. Medicine is so individualized, and everybody reacts to it differently. The unfortunate part, as you are experiencing is that medical science has not yet reached the point of satisfaction and healing.
Sleeping can be a difficulty with liver disease. I am guessing that you doze a lot during the day. What do you do to pass the time?
How can I support you during this difficult time?


@rosemarya: Do you have any info about Psoriactic Cirrohsis, non-alcohol related? Someone close has been diagnosed & given a pretty dire prognosis. Family Would like him to get a second opinion and/go to Mayo? What are treatments, long term consequences, successful outcomes, etc

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Sue, I did not find any information about Psoriatic Cirrhosis. I did see some references that mention that autoimmune diseases like psoriatic arthritis can affect other organs, including liver. Also, there are many diseases that are non alcoholic. This could be a rare condition, or a combination of conditions. Either way, I want you to share this link to Mayo Liver Transplant Department with them. They can read about the Mayo Liver transplant Dept, and use the Contact information to speak to someone in the liver transplant dept about a second opinion.
Liver Transplant Program

I am a patient, and from my own experience, every liver patient has a journey that is as unique as that individual. I do not know, nor am I qualified to answer your questions about specific treatment, consequences, outcomes. Those questions should be addressed only by your friends liver specialist. I am willing, and available to provide any support, resources, and information from my own experiences that could be helpful. I received my own combined liver and kidney transplant at Mayo in 2009.

Let me know how I, or any of our members can be of support. We are always eager to talk with fellow patients on our health journeys.
@suecreader, Will you send an update? Or better, yet, Invite your friend to join the conversation here on Mayo Connect.


@rosemarya I'll give you our Tim update. He has been doing speech for his chemo brain for about a month now. I have seen improvement! (Some days are definitely better than others.) My goal is for him to be doing well enough that I'll feel comfortable leaving him for a few days so I can help our daughter after our grandchild arrives the end of March!

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@jodeej I am so relieved to hear that Tim is improving. I was going to PM you if I hadn't heard in the next day or two. Praying that the improvements continue.


I am constantly amazed at the level of support and compassion that all of our members are share so generously. And with that in mind, I want to drop in on some recently acitve members who came here for support for updates.

@nanaking, I am thinking about you and your brother on this rainy Kentucky morning. Were you able to schedule an appointment at UC? Will he need to be re-evaluated for the Ohio transplant list?

@frankw54, How are you getting along as you begin your 2nd year with your new liver? The last time we talked, you were wondering what to do with your time. What kind of ideas have you come up with? (I know that @contentandwell would welcome your experience in the HE discussions)

@godlygal, I hope that you have found a sense of peace and direction with your caregiver role for your friend. How are you getting along? What kind of support are you getting? How can I help you?

@shelly63, I was not familiar with Budd-chiari, so I googled it.
I also had a rare liver disease (PSC). I am thinking about you. How did your appointment go?

Members old and new - Add your updates, too.

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@frankw54 @rosemarya Of course, Frank is also blessedly beyond this, but I am happy to answer any questions that anyone may have about HE episodes. For me, it was the most horrible part of cirrhosis, other than when I was having one I was entirely lucid and cognizant, but when I had those episodes it was beyond horrible.


@rosemarya I'll give you our Tim update. He has been doing speech for his chemo brain for about a month now. I have seen improvement! (Some days are definitely better than others.) My goal is for him to be doing well enough that I'll feel comfortable leaving him for a few days so I can help our daughter after our grandchild arrives the end of March!

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Good progress for Tim and a great goal to achieve...


I am constantly amazed at the level of support and compassion that all of our members are share so generously. And with that in mind, I want to drop in on some recently acitve members who came here for support for updates.

@nanaking, I am thinking about you and your brother on this rainy Kentucky morning. Were you able to schedule an appointment at UC? Will he need to be re-evaluated for the Ohio transplant list?

@frankw54, How are you getting along as you begin your 2nd year with your new liver? The last time we talked, you were wondering what to do with your time. What kind of ideas have you come up with? (I know that @contentandwell would welcome your experience in the HE discussions)

@godlygal, I hope that you have found a sense of peace and direction with your caregiver role for your friend. How are you getting along? What kind of support are you getting? How can I help you?

@shelly63, I was not familiar with Budd-chiari, so I googled it.
I also had a rare liver disease (PSC). I am thinking about you. How did your appointment go?

Members old and new - Add your updates, too.

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@rosemarya I'll give you our Tim update. He has been doing speech for his chemo brain for about a month now. I have seen improvement! (Some days are definitely better than others.) My goal is for him to be doing well enough that I'll feel comfortable leaving him for a few days so I can help our daughter after our grandchild arrives the end of March!


@rosemarya: Do you have any info about Psoriactic Cirrohsis, non-alcohol related? Someone close has been diagnosed & given a pretty dire prognosis. Family Would like him to get a second opinion and/go to Mayo? What are treatments, long term consequences, successful outcomes, etc

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I was treated for diabetes for five years then got civil doc diagnosed me as end stage cirrhosis liver. Va pursed around last year n I got Medicare n tricare for life but all say too late or not bad enough for transplant now.
I’m shutting down my stomach n all keep me in pain. All I get is pills. Western Med way. Going use eastern remedies.
Get second opinion yes and best facilities. Time is urgent. Sorry. If I sleep couple hours night or eat I’m ok. For a bit but too weak. Jim


@rosemarya: Do you have any info about Psoriactic Cirrohsis, non-alcohol related? Someone close has been diagnosed & given a pretty dire prognosis. Family Would like him to get a second opinion and/go to Mayo? What are treatments, long term consequences, successful outcomes, etc

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