Liver transplant - Let's support each other

Posted by lmctif @lmctif, Oct 29, 2018

What topics do people who are waiting for a liver transplant want to talk about? Who has had a liver transplant and wants to talk about?

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Hello folks ,
I had liver transplant almost 6 months back and I was hoping things will get better - though it’s better than before but I always have some or other problem but abdomen heaviness , tightness ( seems some one put stone on it ) . All my reports are stable and I got CT also done due to this pain and nothing came in that . Any one faced this ? Is it related to nerve , medicine side effect, anything else ? What can I do to feel better ?

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@manishgang, Congratulations on your transplant 6 months ago. And also, please accept my sincere Welcome to Connect.
It is great to hear that you reports are all stable that show that your liver is happy and settling into its new home. It is also great to hear that your CT showed nothing that could be the cause of your abdominal tightness and discomfort. I don't remember too much about my abdominal discomfort except for tightness, the weird (un)feel of the numbness, and the discomfort of constricting clothing. I did feel abdominal discomfort, but not pain, when I over stretched or exercised. And just now, I remembered that there was discomfort if I stood for too long. My transplant was 14 years ago.

In support of the experiences that have been shared in this discussion, here is another that will that will let you know what others have had to say about how they handled their abdominal discomfort.

- Post Transplant - Core numbness and Weakness:

@manishgang, Is it possible that you are over-exerting yourself by trying to do too much, too soon? or too often?


I dealt with the same abdomen pain. I'm 8 months and the discomfort is passing and now I'm getting electric shocks in my abdomen. My team said it was all normal... the body healing it's self also got a lot of input from this group. I hope this helps you. I did do a lot of massages on daily basis. Used Temu oil. Feel better. Oh and they gave me gabapentin for the discomfort. Worked good for me..

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Thanks @nrbecerril for sharing your story . Makes me feel much better and I also had developed RA pain post surgery but that seems to settle - May be it was due to high Uric acid.
Thanks for sharing and Caring


Hello folks ,
I had liver transplant almost 6 months back and I was hoping things will get better - though it’s better than before but I always have some or other problem but abdomen heaviness , tightness ( seems some one put stone on it ) . All my reports are stable and I got CT also done due to this pain and nothing came in that . Any one faced this ? Is it related to nerve , medicine side effect, anything else ? What can I do to feel better ?

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I dealt with the same abdomen pain. I'm 8 months and the discomfort is passing and now I'm getting electric shocks in my abdomen. My team said it was all normal... the body healing it's self also got a lot of input from this group. I hope this helps you. I did do a lot of massages on daily basis. Used Temu oil. Feel better. Oh and they gave me gabapentin for the discomfort. Worked good for me..


Hello folks ,
I had liver transplant almost 6 months back and I was hoping things will get better - though it’s better than before but I always have some or other problem but abdomen heaviness , tightness ( seems some one put stone on it ) . All my reports are stable and I got CT also done due to this pain and nothing came in that . Any one faced this ? Is it related to nerve , medicine side effect, anything else ? What can I do to feel better ?


I don't know what is 'mandatory' but can share our experience. We moved to Arizona from California once he was listed. Within 10 days were were blessed with a transplant. Two months after transplant, and a pretty easy recovery, we were told we could go home. He gets weekly blood tests done, which I print out and send to Mayo Clinic, via their patient portal. We returned to Arizona for one day of tests and appointments five months after transplant. There have been a number of zoom video sessions, a ton of messages back and forth and a number of phone calls, some after hours due to continuing bumps in the road to recovery.
Mayo has been there for us whenever we need them. We will be returning to Arizona, for a one year follow-up in January.
We considered transferring his care to a local transplant clinic, something they were willing to do, but decided to stay with Mayo Clinic. It has been a challenge at times with the need to have ultrasounds and low white blood count required injections. We are blessed with a wonderful local dr willing to help with these needs.

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Thank you very much for your reply. I now understood that we will have to stay in USA for some time, so we will plan accordingly.


Hi @vera77, you are asking very good questions that will need careful consideration for doing a transplant in US when you live elsewhere. There is a period of time directly after transplant that you as the caregiver and your husband would need a short-term stay near the clinic where you get the transplant as well as regular follow up appointments.

Mayo Clinic staff have written these blogs that outline a bit more detail about liver transplant at Mayo.

- Liver Transplant at Mayo Clinic
- What to Expect: Post Transplant Care
- What to Expect as a Transplant Caregiver

@rosemarya @jerrydrennan @amyintucson @arqui02000 @2ndlvrxplantmom @karen51 @parrot53 @eparker6 and many others can share their first-hand experiences with post liver transplant care and short-term stays.

Are you thinking of applying to Mayo Clinic for transplant?

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Hi, Thank you very much for your reply. We dont know yet which clinic we will apply for transplant. My husband from Michigan n he was having some tests done n small operation on his asofagus in Henry Ford last winter n then we left back. My husband retires after two month, so we will decide by that time where to apply for transplant.
Thank you.


I am 9 months post liver transplant, becoming very disappointed, just told my pancreatic is not working good. Never ending, has any one else had problems with pancreatic?


I decided to create a group message, but I'm thinking that a group hug would appropriate for all of us who are friends thru transplant.

@arqui02000, It's been a while since I've seen you here. How are things going? Do you have any updates about your possible need for a 2nd liver transplant?

@nrbecerril, I know that you have been struggling with a cold, and I hope that you are feeling better. You asked me about tea, and in all honesty, I don't know that I qualify as a tea drinker because I use tea bags in a cup of hot water - Lipton or Bigalow which are available at my grocery store. Will you let us know why your doctor told you not to drink tea (after you see him again).

@gaylea1, I am so very happy to see that you are on Connect! I remember when you were waiting for your liver transplant. And I remember when you told us that you got your Call and were on the way to the hospital for your transplant. How long ago was that? Do you remember doing that?

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@rosemarya I remember this like it was yesterday. That was a long 18 months wait. I had so many symptoms and so many questions. I was so sick I just wanted it to end at times. That was over 6 years ago. I had my transplant on Nov 28 2018. I'm coming up to 5 years post now and today is my birthday. I've become a Grandmother for the first time (Aug 20th 2023) and I'm looking forward to many more grandchildren. I hope you are well and living your best life.


I decided to create a group message, but I'm thinking that a group hug would appropriate for all of us who are friends thru transplant.

@arqui02000, It's been a while since I've seen you here. How are things going? Do you have any updates about your possible need for a 2nd liver transplant?

@nrbecerril, I know that you have been struggling with a cold, and I hope that you are feeling better. You asked me about tea, and in all honesty, I don't know that I qualify as a tea drinker because I use tea bags in a cup of hot water - Lipton or Bigalow which are available at my grocery store. Will you let us know why your doctor told you not to drink tea (after you see him again).

@gaylea1, I am so very happy to see that you are on Connect! I remember when you were waiting for your liver transplant. And I remember when you told us that you got your Call and were on the way to the hospital for your transplant. How long ago was that? Do you remember doing that?


Hi @vera77, you are asking very good questions that will need careful consideration for doing a transplant in US when you live elsewhere. There is a period of time directly after transplant that you as the caregiver and your husband would need a short-term stay near the clinic where you get the transplant as well as regular follow up appointments.

Mayo Clinic staff have written these blogs that outline a bit more detail about liver transplant at Mayo.

- Liver Transplant at Mayo Clinic
- What to Expect: Post Transplant Care
- What to Expect as a Transplant Caregiver

@rosemarya @jerrydrennan @amyintucson @arqui02000 @2ndlvrxplantmom @karen51 @parrot53 @eparker6 and many others can share their first-hand experiences with post liver transplant care and short-term stays.

Are you thinking of applying to Mayo Clinic for transplant?

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@vera77, I had my simultaneous liver and kidney transplant at Mayo Rochester MN in 2009. My home is 800 miles away. We stayed at the Gift of Life transplant House during my time there. Due to my condition we arrived in late February. My transplant was on April 22, and I spent 7 days in the hospital. At discharge, I went back to the Gift of life House and had frequent labs, and tests as outpatient. I returned home in mid May to continue my recovery and healing.

After transplant there are regularly scheduled labs that begin weekly, and gradually are spaced farther apart. Labs are drawn locally and results sent to Mayo. I returned to Mayo after 4 months, and again 1 year after my transplant. I was given the option of being transferred to my local transplant center for monitoring, but chose to continue with Mayo and I return annually.
My Primary Care Doctor takes care of me locally, and he is willing to follow Mayo's follow-up plan for me. I've only had one emergency hospitalization here, and the hospital and doctors were in contact with the transplant doctors at Mayo during my stay.

Vera, this is just a snapshot from my perspective. I hope that you will look at the links that Colleen has sent to you. I also want to let you know that Mayo does have an International Department.

Here is the link to the Liver Transplant Department and Contact Information
- Liver Transplant Program / Contact

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