Liver rib pain and inflammation: What might it be?

Posted by debbie1975 @debbie1975, Nov 27 9:57pm

Hi there this is the only liver forum I was able to find I don’t have cancer but I had a trauma to my abdomen back in May had pain in abdomen where ribs and liver are had scans that showed nothing they said everything was fine and told me I prob had something called slipped rib syndrome where imaging would not see cause it’s in ur floating ribs which is cartilage not seen on ct scans and X-rays so I went with it and in May and said ok if it’s my ribs just gotta heal my liver was fine they said no enlargement at that time nothing wrong no fatty liver nothing so I went all summer trying to deal with pain and every month pain would get worse and travel now the pain is in my whole abdomen on right side into my whole right side and now traveling into my back all the scans I have had now starting in October saying I have severe fatty liver and my liver is enlarged to 17.9 cm and back in May was 14cm gallbladder was checked back in May fine but now starting to show partial dissection am in severe pain my abdomen on right side is very swollen where I had to go up two pant sizes with no weight gain cause of my swollen abdomen seen two different gastro and keep saying they don’t believe it has anything to do with my injury to my abdomen I hit into a hand rail really really hard hurt really bad for about 30 seconds to a minute then the pain started in my abdomen 3 weeks later and got it all checked right away so my question to these docs are if it doesn’t have anything to do with it then how did I have no fatty liver in May but now I have severe fatty liver with a fibrous scan saying it’s stage 3 fibrosis but didn’t have anything to show fatty liver in May. I think I did something in there to my ribs or injured my liver and it’s not being seen on scans and it’s not fatty liver and fibrosis it’s just horrible inflammation causing the liver to swell and show stiffness of fibrosis but I think it’s injury cause it’s saying all the scans read inflammation so they just assume fatty liver not injury if they are not seeing injury and am thinking whatever they are missing is Causing all the havoc and now as of November starting to affect the gallbladder its been so hard with waiting for test to be done and get an appt with a good liver specialist have one for two weeks from now just concerned if they down find the problem the Inflammation in my liver will just keep getting worse. I either hurt something in rib that’s causing pressure onto the liver or the sac around the liver causing it to swell and inflame and now that being all inflamed is causing pressure onto the gallbladder causing that to start up with problems. And twice after having ultra sound done which was very painful under breast where rib and liver are and painful on my side I get bruising on the skin on that area and goes away within 24 hours and they were not pressing hard cause the were going as easy as they could cause it was causing me a lot of pain while having the ultra sound. I wanted to see someone at May clinic but was not able to get an appt due to my insurance united health care is not being excepted as of October. I do have appt with liver specialist in two weeks out of Orlando that has great reviews so praying he can give some answers. And I keep reading there could deff be injury due to the hit I took equivalent to a punch or kick to abdomen plus fatty liver won’t cause pain they keep telling me so what’s causing all the pain and inflammation. And reading lots of info on how this deff could happen and if the injury is in a bad spot scans and xray can deff miss it. Plus prob very hard to see injury at this point with all the inflammation. Anyone have any good ideas anyone every dealt with anything like this.

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