Lightheadedness 24 hrs a day; otherwise very healthy fit 79 yr old
Has anyone suffered from lightheadedness 24 hrs a day without any health problems. First diagnosed with BPPV, but crystals were realigned and thus spinning stopped, vestibular therapy for 6 weeks but still lightheaded; MRI showed mild partial fluid in mastoid; amoxicillin given for 7 days, but still lightheaded. Nutrition is good; otherwise very healthy 79 year old. 120/80 bp and blood sugar good.
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I’m going to suggest the possibility of an UTI which can cause lightheadedness. Many women get them without feeling any actual symptoms. I know if I get that spacy feeling for a few days, I will take a couple of cranberry d mannose vitamins for a few days and that seems to do the trick for me. I also am a healthy 83 old active woman with similar blood pressure. They say UTIs can lower blood pressure so maybe you can get to a pharmacy where you can check your own. If you do decide on the vitamins, get a reliable brand. You have nothing to lose trying. I am sure you have thought about your diet or caffeine consumption as you said your nutrition is good and also sleep habits.
Good luck….I really hate that lightheaded spacy feeling.
FL Mary
Thank you for replying. This all started 2 months ago with Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo and the crystals were then realigned but lightheadness has continued 24 hrs a day. Have appt. with ENT to discuss MRI in which there is mild fluid in mastoid, so will try that route first.
Also, I've been on antibiotics for 7 days, so if I did have a UTI, I would think that would take care of it. And,. my primary dr. a few weeks ago did a urine test on me, but I did read all about UTI and lightheadedness - definitely a possibility if not for the antibiotics.
Have you seen your cardiologist? I had similar symptoms early 2021, stress test revealed blocked Circumflex artery resulting in stent placement. Clear headed ever since. Hope you find answers soon.
I have had a somewhat similar journey, now ongoing for over a year and a half. My lightheadedness is constant when awake, but none when asleep. It started with my first pair of new prescription glasses after routine cataract surgery. I have progressive lenses. Optician tinkered with the lenses, but no help. Went through 3 month program with National Dizzy and Balance Center, again, no help . (Although I have high regard for them!) BPPV was ruled out. Had MRI which showed fluid in mastoids and a cerebral aneurysm. ENT follow up said no connection between fluid in mastoid and my dizziness. Neurosurgery consult said aneurysm not a cause of my dizziness. Sprinkled in among all this, I’ve seen 4 Neuro-optometrists without helpful outcomes. I haven’t been checked for UTI, but I am on doxycycline antibiotic daily for another condition. I had a stent placed in right circumflex coronary artery years ago during a heart attack and while it may be worthwhile to be checked for new plaque, my LDL has been down to 38-42 for some years now. I’m 77, very mildly elevated BP controlled with medication, no diabetes.
Fortunately, looking at a distance I am least affected, so I am comfortable driving. Working at near vision levels, I’m ok as long as I don’t turn my head or get up from chair with readers still on. Mid-range is most bothersome.
I look forward to hearing from others of your further attempts at trying to find cause and treatment of your dizziness.
Wishing everyone good luck!