Lesions, Cystic liver mets, vs Tumors

Posted by Karen Michael @immmm, Sep 15, 2017

Could someone please explain the difference between lesions, cystic lesions and tumors. I have gone to multiple websites to clarify my best friend's last MRI. She was unable to ask her physician as she had to get to airport for her flight home.

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Neuroendocrine Tumors (NETs) Support Group.


Hi Karen @immmm

It might be helpful (before her next appointment) that you assist her in writing out some questions to ask her doctor. In addition to being passive - she just might feel overwhelmed. A little structure (such as having a list of questions) might help her communicate better at the appointments.


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Yes - have a list of questions. Also, I record each office visit on my phone. Who can remember everything? That way we don't have to try and take notes. We can simply listen.


Hi Tom, @tomewilson

Thanks for that excellent suggestion!
By the way, how is your wife doing these days?



Make a list of questions with you and bring someone with you if you can.
I've learned that I get there with the Dr a forget half my questions.


Thank you for your prompt response. Yes, she has NETS with liver metastasis. This is a repeat MRI at one 1yr. It said "the bilobal mets appear similar, but some lesions such as the cystic lesion appears larger"--I hope she will follow up-- I questioned it when she let me read it and couldn't really find anything to clarify.

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Cyst in the liver are pretty common. I have several. They are only a problem if they become too large or are starting to block a duct. Lesion is just a word to mean any spot that shows up on the scan. Lesions can be cancer, cysts or a benign tumor of some kind. A tumor is just a growth that is not normally there. Tumors are not always cancer and some don't cause any problems. I have a stage 1 PNET. I also have some lesions in my liver that are too small to be identified as either cancer or cysts. Guess it's wait for growth to see if they are cysts or I'm stage 4. Good luck to your friend. I'm sure the doctor will explain it all when they talk next.


Cyst in the liver are pretty common. I have several. They are only a problem if they become too large or are starting to block a duct. Lesion is just a word to mean any spot that shows up on the scan. Lesions can be cancer, cysts or a benign tumor of some kind. A tumor is just a growth that is not normally there. Tumors are not always cancer and some don't cause any problems. I have a stage 1 PNET. I also have some lesions in my liver that are too small to be identified as either cancer or cysts. Guess it's wait for growth to see if they are cysts or I'm stage 4. Good luck to your friend. I'm sure the doctor will explain it all when they talk next.

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Terry998: This is the first time I have found a person willing to talk about Cysts in Liver. I would love to find out how /why you have belief cysts are not necessarily cancer when they light up on PET too.
9 yrs ago ct suspected cysts in my liver and verified by ultrasound endoscopy at UCIrvine, CA. This year I had Endoscopic biopsy diagnosis of NET Carcinoid Tumor primary in small intestine Grade 1 & Stage 4 with metastases to liver (results of PET). They said it was Stage 4 ‘cuz of lesions appearing in liver. No biopsy of liver. Question to you- what are chances liver lesions are still cysts? I am being treated with Laneotide (Somatuline Depot 120mg) monthly injections and told this Med will retard all NET tumors no matter the location. Any and all thoughts will be most appreciated. Thx!


Terry998: This is the first time I have found a person willing to talk about Cysts in Liver. I would love to find out how /why you have belief cysts are not necessarily cancer when they light up on PET too.
9 yrs ago ct suspected cysts in my liver and verified by ultrasound endoscopy at UCIrvine, CA. This year I had Endoscopic biopsy diagnosis of NET Carcinoid Tumor primary in small intestine Grade 1 & Stage 4 with metastases to liver (results of PET). They said it was Stage 4 ‘cuz of lesions appearing in liver. No biopsy of liver. Question to you- what are chances liver lesions are still cysts? I am being treated with Laneotide (Somatuline Depot 120mg) monthly injections and told this Med will retard all NET tumors no matter the location. Any and all thoughts will be most appreciated. Thx!

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Hi dbamos1945. I would think you have both cysts and solid tumors in your liver. A lot of Net patients will have both at stage 4. The cysts and the tumors look different on a CT scan and I don't think the cysts light up on the Gallium Pet Scans. I could be wrong about that. I'm assuming that they see both in yours. I'm not in the medical field, so you should ask you Net specialist for clarification on this. Both cysts and tumors are called lesions when seen on any of the scans. Your monthly shot should do the trick to keep you stable. I hope you aren't having too many symptoms or problems from the shot. I'm not on that yet, but expect to be eventually. Grade 1 is good. It means it is growing slowly. That's a good thing as many people have fast growing Nets. Google Ronny Allen. He has a wonderful website full of Net info. He also has a FB group I would strongly suggest joining. He is a Net patient himself and on the shot you are taking. The group is super friendly and they will make every question you have seem very important as the long term Net folks were once new to this as well. They share their scan reports for clarification all the time. It really is the best place for guidance. It sounds to me like you have things under control. I wish you well in your journey and will hopefully see you in the FB group! Feel free to continue this chat with me if you like.

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