Leg pain from hip to knee to shin to ankle after HRS

Posted by sdummcgib @sdummcgib, Mar 23 9:46pm

Had left HRS 1 yr ago. 1 month out had pain radiating from hip to knee to shin down to ankle. Anterior surgery. After multiple visit w surgeon, was told “ his work looks good, fusion good”, need to see pain guy. Went to 2 pain guys…after 1 shot to spine, another to femoral nerve- neither worked. Next options would be inserting metal probes in spine , or insert pain pump! Saw 2nd Orthopedic surgeon who ordered more MRI’s - one back one hip. Pain radiates w steps, elevation, etc.

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@sdummcgib What were the results of the second set of MRI scans? Can you describe the pain? When, what aggravates it, what non-injection treatments have you tried like PT?

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