Left leg numbness, discomfort

Posted by gabs3131 @gabs3131, Dec 17, 2021

When should i be concerned about the pins and needle like feeling in my foot, numbness throughout my leg, and mild ache like feeling in my upper leg, seemed to be worse when i was driving. I have had leg discomfort the past 3 -3 1/2 weeks, started out as both my legs from my knees to calves feeling stiff and overall achey/sore. I've dealt with spasms/twitching in this same time period from my right calf, around the knee, upper legs, in my arms, and occasionally my lower back/buttocks area. I went to my primary care physician, did blood test, had an x-ray of my lower back which came out fairly clean, no acute abnormality. I was instructed to take some b12 supplements which i have been for a little over a week, try to eat a little healthier, drink pedialyte or other drinks with electolytes and up my overall water intake as i definitely don't drink enough water, working in a kitchen, its difficult at times to stop. I also feel my anxiety gets the best of me at times as my mind wanders and the google searches usually bring nothing but doom and gloom, i wonder if these symptoms require further testing or sound like anything in particular. My doctor wants the b12 supplements and liquid intake to increase before seeing a specialist, but she gave me a referral anyway for a neurologist except the earliest i could get an appointment is feb 3rd, not ideal for this worriwort. Any insight would be greatly appreciated, thank you.

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Yes you surely need to be checked out. They might do a EMG to confirm if you do have PN. An X-ray inky gives you so much. You probably need to have an MRI to rule out any disc or nerve issues!


Welcome @gabs3131, I know it seems like a long time to wait to see a neurologist even if it's only a little over a month. I thought I was lucky only waiting 3 months for my referral appointment to see a neurologist. I think I would make a list of questions you are looking to get answered along with a daily log of what your symptoms are like, pain, numbness, tingling, activity, time of day/night, etc. You might find the following page helpful for planning your conversation with the neurologist - https://patientrevolution.org/visit-tools.

Your discussion title mentions left leg numbness and discomfort. Is it only your left leg or is it the same for both legs?


well up until today most of my symptoms have occurred in my right leg, the numbness, tingling, pins and needle sensations, spasming. Although today it seemed to flare up in my left leg and mostly while I was driving.
Thats also a good tip on journaling the day-to-day symptoms, thanks


well up until today most of my symptoms have occurred in my right leg, the numbness, tingling, pins and needle sensations, spasming. Although today it seemed to flare up in my left leg and mostly while I was driving.
Thats also a good tip on journaling the day-to-day symptoms, thanks

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@gabs3131, It might help with your upcoming neurologist appointment to learn more about neuropathy and the different treatments. I've found these two sites have helpful information for learning more...

-- Neuropathy Commons: https://neuropathycommons.org/neuropathy/neuropathy-overview
-- Foundation for Peripheral Neuropathy: https://www.foundationforpn.org/


Thanks John, I appreciate the info.


Any updates on this? What ever happened? I’m having the same issues and Mon results after numerous tests. Any updated info would be greatly appreciated! @gabs3131


Any updates on this? What ever happened? I’m having the same issues and Mon results after numerous tests. Any updated info would be greatly appreciated! @gabs3131

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Welcome @dredhaus, Hopefully @gabs3131 is still following Connect. The member last posted in another discussion Dec 2021 here - Anyone here dealing with peripheral neuropathy?: https://connect.mayoclinic.org/comment/664231/.

Have you been diagnosed with peripheral neuropathy or other conditions?


Any updates on this? What ever happened? I’m having the same issues and Mon results after numerous tests. Any updated info would be greatly appreciated! @gabs3131

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Hello, so it has been a little over 2 years and for the most part my symptoms have subsided. I talked to my neurologist and went through a lot of different tests/blood work, mri scan of the brain, emg/nerve conduction tests with everything coming back normal. I was sent to physical therapy and continue to do the stretching exercises, go for a walk/run when its not 30 degrees out(i live in the northeast) i attempt to drink plenty of fluids and get a good nights rest, I'm not sure what brought on the symptoms at the time but the physical therapy helped and continued therapy on my own. Any other questions I'll try to answer, I'll keep an eye out, let me know

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