Large Adnexal Cyst found by CT scan

Posted by eigna32 @eigna32, Jan 29, 2023

Just wanted to know if anyone has had a a large adnexal cyst found and if it was removed. I was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2019 and went through chemo and radiation therapy. During a routine CT scan before chemo, a large cyst was discovered but it didn't look suspicious so we left it as.
I also did a couple of vaginal ultrasounds to monitore it over the years. It has remain stable. I also have done an MRI with no added information. However, all doctors have recommended it me to remove the cyst because it is large (12cm). I am kinda scared of removing it and finding out that it is malignant even though all tests/scans/us show that its not suspicious. I went to see last week a gyno surgeon who recommends to do the surgery to remove the cyst but also to remove both ovaries since I'm already menopausal and 47 years old. Would you do it? I have no symptoms. It's not bothering me. Why mess around with something that is asymptomatic plus it doesn't look suspicious. Am I missing something?

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Thanks for your encouraging words. One thing I’m worried about is finding out that the mass/cyst is malignant even though everything, all scans, tests show that it is not.

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That’s totally normal to feel scared. This is a stressful and scary thing to go through. My doctor was convinced mine was cancer he ordered an up abdominal MRI before my surgery to see if there was any spreading which of course showed none. That eased my nerves so much because I was convinced if this was cancer at least it’s contained. Best of luck and keep a positive mindset. You’ll get through this. Keep us posted 🙏🏻🙏🏻


@eigna32 Your worries about what to expect are so normal. When you think about it who would not worry about what will be found after surgery? I know I worried when I had a hysterectomy for endometrial cancer in 2019. It’s very encouraging that the tests you’ve had so far haven’t shown anything.

I think it’s fairly common that a patient is assigned a date for surgery but not the actual time. I’ve had two surgeries at Mayo Clinic and both times I was instructed to call the day before for the time to report to the reception desk for surgery. Are those your instructions?


@eigna32 Your worries about what to expect are so normal. When you think about it who would not worry about what will be found after surgery? I know I worried when I had a hysterectomy for endometrial cancer in 2019. It’s very encouraging that the tests you’ve had so far haven’t shown anything.

I think it’s fairly common that a patient is assigned a date for surgery but not the actual time. I’ve had two surgeries at Mayo Clinic and both times I was instructed to call the day before for the time to report to the reception desk for surgery. Are those your instructions?

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Yes these are the same instructions.


Hi 👋 it’s me again. I’m so nervous about my surgery which is coming up in less than 2 days. Any advice?


Hi 👋 it’s me again. I’m so nervous about my surgery which is coming up in less than 2 days. Any advice?

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@eigna32 When I am very nervous about something coming up, for instance, about my cancer surveillance check on April 19 I tell myself to let the thought go. I say to myself that of course I am nervous and put my hand over my heart to give myself kindness. That day isn’t here yet and I can’t do anything about it. I also learned a breathing technique that I find calming. I trace the thumb and fingers on one hand with my pointer finger on the other hand. This is like tracing your hand on paper. When I trace up a finger then I breathe in and when I trace down the other side of the finger I breathe out. Then I move to the next finger as so on. When you’ve finished you can start again. You can pace your breathing that way and the sensation on your fingers keeps your attention on the breathing so your mind won’t wander off so much into the future.

Is there anything you like to do that is calming and enjoyable? Knitting or crocheting? Coloring a picture? Taking a warm bath?

Do any of these suggestions appeal to you?


Hi 👋 it’s me again. I’m so nervous about my surgery which is coming up in less than 2 days. Any advice?

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@eigna32 If I calculate this correctly your surgery occurred last week on April 11. How are you feeling? Do you any results yet from pathology regarding the tissue that was removed?


Thanks for your encouraging words. One thing I’m worried about is finding out that the mass/cyst is malignant even though everything, all scans, tests show that it is not.

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Yes I agree. Scheduled in March to follow up on finding an adnexa cyst on right ovary. No symptoms but was informed to get tested again to see if it has grown in size.


Yes I would do it if you have had previous CA

I had a vaginal hysterectomy yrs ago and left my ovaries and now have a cyst on one of them which I intend to remove because it doesn’t belong there

.* just my opinion*


Yes I agree. Scheduled in March to follow up on finding an adnexa cyst on right ovary. No symptoms but was informed to get tested again to see if it has grown in size.

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Good Luck

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