Kind of lost facial twitching/vertigo/tinnitus (sorry if it is long)

Posted by murcmanb @murcmanb, Apr 17, 2023

To begin this maybe very long and I apologize for that but I am hoping someone will read and maybe able to help.

It is best to start in September 22. I am 40 year old male. I have a coronary stent and had been experiencing angina at night. I went to my cardiologist and after I passed my echo and nuclear stress test with no blockage found I was ordered long acting nitro (isosorbide) to calm the problem. Along with this came the wicked migraines. A short time after the migraines started so did tinnitus, vertigo, and facial twitching that went from my right temple up to about the beginning of my scalp. To be fair I had tinnitus before but could always drown it out this was to loud to drown out. My cardiologist stopped the nitro three weeks later this stopped the headaches but not the vertigo/tinnitus/ or facial twitching.

About a month later I finally got into my GP. He had no clue as to what could be causing this other than maybe an ear infection. He ordered steroids that were no help and all symptoms remained. On follow up he ordered a CT scan and a CT angiograph both came up normal so I was sent to the ENT. The ENT came back with no answers either other than High Frequency Hearing Loss due to tinnitus. He sent me to a balance doctor for the vertigo and a neurologist for the facial twitching.

Fast forward another few months and I see the neurologist. He ordered an MRI with contrast to check for problems or a benign tumor in my ear which also came back negative. Since the problem is still going on in recent months he has tested my blood levels to see if that could cause the twitching or even possibly Temporal Arteritis and it came back fine. After all of this he tried Carbamazepine to try and cure the twitch thinking it would also help with vertigo and tinnitus and it had no results.

I also have seen the vertigo doctor. He ran me through a battery of inner ear test and only came back with minor vestibular deficiency on my right side. He came to the conclusion of vestibular migraine and gave me nortriptyline. This did help with the vertigo some but unfortunately I could not continue the medicine as it interfered with my heart and caused high heart rate and high blood pressure.

So that leads me to today. I have had a ton of test and no results. My neurologist is certain it is something neurological. This has been going on for seven months. As I type this my head is twitching on the right side as it is always on the right side between my brow and ear up to my forehead. They are quick flashes that are visible by looking at my head. I am also very dizzy, my ears are ringing incredibly loud and it is hard to pay attention. This is a real problem as my job requires much thought and attention plus it is almost impossible to take care of my kids. I am running out of money from all the doctor visits and am still not any closer than I was seven months ago. If anyone is interested I do have videos of the spasm unfortunately I can not show the vertigo or tinnitus.

I will add before I am done since everyone ask if I had any head trauma yes I did in fact. In January 22 I was driving my children to school and we were rear ended. During the crash I lost conciseness for a few seconds and really don't know if I hit my head on anything and I did have a concussion with symptoms that lasted around two weeks. I really can't remember much of those two weeks. This maybe important and it may not but I figured I would add it.

Thank you anyone who was willing to read through this wall of text. I just thought it was important to provide all information. Thank you in advance for any advice on what to do next or anything else you have to offer.

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I’m so sorry to hear this, my 22 yr old daughter suffers from vertigo and diagnosed w vestibular migraines …takes a concoction of rizatriptan, odansetron etc it’s terrible! Have you had the vid jab? Have u researched vax injuries… the facial twitching is a common one, tinnitus and vertigo I’ve also heard of. I’d do some research outside of google and find an integrative or naturopathic doc who’s willing to admit that vax causes lots of debilitating symptoms. … there are supplements that can help you heal. Search Senator Ron Johnson, he’s been fighting to help people injured. Search RF Kennedy Jr and Children’s Health Defense to find some articles bringing this to light. God bless you.


I also have vesicular migraines or also known as migraine associated vertigo. I started taking neurtec and it is a lifesaver for me. I also experience face twitches and other involuntary movements. I was diagnosed with functional movement disorder. The migraines increase the movements in my case. Best of luck to you!


I have very loud tinnitus so I get what you are going through. I am talking about the tinnitus that is so loud it can’t be masked, and I have it every day with some variation in the strength. . I have also got hyperacusis (painful intolerance to sound, in my case exceeding 80 decibels). I suffer occasional bouts of vertigo and have hearing loss as well. No twitching but I have buzzing from the soles of my feet up my back.

Hearing aids that contain a masking device incorporated into it have been a help, a device attached to the tv which brings sound into my ears also helps. In my case the situation I find myself in is caused by a combination of bad genes and noise related hearing loss. There is no cure for me, neither is there anything that can act as a drug blocking the tinnitus officially. However I take amitriptyline and Lyrica for another purpose and I have noticed that they seem to have a dampening effect on the tinnitus. I have tried cutting out caffeine, salt, alcohol and the only thing that helps is to not engage in consuming several drinks at one sitting ( no more than one drink). Since I don’t smoke or take other drugs I can’t comment on those. You have had a lot of tests without any positive results. It must be extremely frustrating. The ear to brain connection has been established and we know that tinnitus is actually in brain not the ear, and it has been established that a bump on the head can cause tinnitus. It doesn’t prove that it was established by your concussion but it seems logical that your problems could have been precipitated by the concussion, negative test results not withstanding.


Thank you all for the support! Still have the vertigo, tinnitus and twitching and it really drives me mad but feels a little better knowing others go through it. I am going to ask my vestibular doctor about other medications I can take for my vertigo and tinnitus. My neurologist just started me on baclofen for the twitches. It hasn't helped at all yet but he wants me to work up the dose slowly so I have some hope with that. It is just crazy how all these little things add up to being debilitating.


Your story was quite disheartening murcmanb, so very sorry you are going through such a truly awful ordeal on several fronts. The folks who have already responded certainly gave good advice and information for possible relief. Here are a few more thoughts: First, your cardiac issue. I also have a stent and after placement in 2013, at age 58, I continued to experience angina. Within 2 months of this stent placement another cardiac catheterization was stenosis can happen quickly. My stented artery was completely open. Presently the artery is now 50% blocked but cardiology will not restent until a 70% blockage occurs. So what was the problem? I was diagnosed with cardiac microvascular disease. This is the tiny blood vessels in the heart which are blocked with plaque but too small to stent. The result is angina. I am on Ranexa for this condition with pretty good results BUT still experience angina at times. Especially under stressful conditions. This condition is more common in women but men can have it too! It was also advised to me to start isosobride but I refused knowing this drug can cause massive headaches. I was already suffering with migraines! I take Ranexa 500 mg. x2 day. For my severe panic disorder I am on a low dose of Xanax & Klonopin plus an antidepressant. My cardiologist also gave me the green light to take Xanax for my angina especially when high anxiety, stress is the culprit of the angina. I also apply a warm neck compress to my upper chest/neck for pain relief which helps. A hot shower directed at your chest might help also.
Re: Your tinnitus. Have you tried calcium supplements/had your serum calcium level checked? A relative had horrific ringing in his ears along with vertigo and a low blood calcium level was picked up. Slowly but surly after treatment with supplements his symptoms improved dramatically. Re: Your facial twitching. Simply b/c I am a former psychiatric nurse and I suffer terribly with anxiety...I am wondering if it is anxiety related. I can tell you, without a doubt, anxiety can and does affect everything in the body! The weirdest bodily symptoms can be attributed to it. My son was under tremendous job pressure and his right eye twitched for 9 continuous months, 24/7. Just a thought. You have had a ton of evaluations and medical tests with no answers. So if I were you (& I have done this) I would research the top neurology facilities in the country and get an appointment. I can give you the top 5: Johns Hopkins, University of CA San Francisco, NY-Presbyterian Hosp.-Columbia/Cornell, Rush University Med. Cntr., Northwestern Memorial Hosp., NYU/Langone. Yes, you most likely would need to travel - perhaps fly into one of these cities - but at this point, wouldn't it be worth it? And no question - your traumatic brain injury (concussion) is a MAJOR factor in your medical presentation. And for vestibular migraines (if in fact that is what you have) PT can be effective as strange as that may sound. I know of physical therapy facilities in Hartford, CT that only focus on this migraine condition.
And lastly, but certainly important. What are you doing for your sky high stress level? Meditation, listening to relaxation tapes, guided imagery, yoga, gratitude journeling, inspirational readings, prayer, naps, quiet time...even visiting a Buddhist Center for a teaching will lower your stress level. I sit on my back deck in the mornings, with my coffee and bird watch for 2 hours! So relaxing! You need to find an "outlet" what will "take you away" from all your medical issues. A relaxing "distraction" can be helpful. I am a believer in the mind-brain-body connection hands down. Are you a trauma survivor? Trauma can be "locked" in your body, causing all kinds of physical ailments. Believe me I know. Perhaps seeing a therapist might be helpful...just to lower your stress in dealing with all of your physical ailments is enough to see one! You mentioned running out of money. So so sorry to hear this. Hopefully you have good health insurance to help you. Be your best advocate in pleading your case.
And lastly, whatever you do...don't give up hope! Have hope and faith in your Higher Power that you WILL get through this nightmare you are living. Be kind to yourself, you deserve it! Even baby steps are a victory!
We are all in the same boat...although we are all sailing in different directions, under different but difficult circumstances. I wish you well. Take it all one day at a time...sometimes one moment at a time is the best you can do. And that is fine. Remember, loving self-kindness is never selfish.

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