Kidney recovery after H&N treatments

Posted by drewman519 @drewman519, Jan 12 12:57pm

Hello! I was diagnosed with H&N SSC cancer last August and had 35 treatments of radiation and 7 rounds of Cisplatin. My last chemo was Nov 7 and radiation was Nov 14. It’s been 2 months in Recovery and it is going pretty well but I’m still concerned with kidney functions. Numbers of low sodium and high creatinine. Will these numbers ever return to normal. Is it common for the functions of the kidneys to still be a cause of concern after 2 months out of treatment. All the other numbers with the kidneys have been stable.

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Hi @drewman519 and welcome to the head and neck cancer group. You pose a great question that I hope someone will find an answer for you. I for one did not have issues yet I know someone who had kidney issues for quite some time with a different cancer treatment. Is there a recommended diet to help alleviate the burden on your kidneys while you recover?

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