After Keytruda, what's next?

Posted by liz8716 @liz8716, Aug 28, 2019

@merpreb ...Hi, my name is Elizabeth. 31 yrs old.I was diagnosed with stage IV nsclc in April. I saw your story on here and it has given me hope. I'm currently on keytruda. Unfortunately my oncologist at this time says there is no cure and that keytruda can only be administered for 2 years. That she is only helping me live longer at this point because there is no cure. I did have taxol and carboplatin (4 rounds). My tumors have shrunk. But when I ask the dr "what next after 2 years of keytruda she says we'll wait and see. It's sort frustrating. I have to ask. What was your treatment?? Because the 5 year mark almost sounds impossible from what my dr states. Or if anyone else here knows of any new treatments.

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Hi, I got almost the same answer from my oncologist that you did. I am on Keytruda for very advanced uterine cancer, and there is not much data on my cancer and Keytruda. I did chemo/radiation first, but on my 2nd scan my cancer had come back. Chemo and radiation were no longer an option, so they recommended Keytruda as a good match for my tumor, and it did help some. I was told 2 years was the longest they could keep me on Keytruda, and I am on my 11th round. I get it every three weeks. I knew going in this was not a cure, just a life prolonging measure. I am now facing having to stop Keytruda, because I feel sick all the time. All those side effects (the 'minor' ones) I experienced. It's at the point I just can't feel like this anymore, especially since I have to keep working. It's scary to think the only treatment left is the one you may have to quit. I have weighed the pros and cons for myself, and am pretty sure my next treatment will be my last. Each day for me is a new beginning, and only you can pick the road that is right for you. Many blessings, and take care of yourself.

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My bf is also on Keytruda. It will be one year sept. He neck and throat cancer Squamish cell carcinoma hpv16. He out with surgery followed by 6 weeks of cisplatin chemo and radiation. Was given a 98% cure rate. 3 month later the pet scan. And it had moved to lymph node on windpipe. He start Keytruda last sept.
He’s not doing well, and has all the side effects. He’s had diarrhea for at least 4 months, fig brain, drops things, balance is so bad that he has to sit to talk to you because he has to focus just to stand, he’s lost over 40lbs, shortness of breath, headaches, feels sick, stomach hurts, voice changed, etc.
Most frustrating for him is he can no longer do the things he could before, he says this is not him.
He just had a pet scan and something lit up on his neck again, however they ruled it out as cancer(but will look at it again in 3 months). Of course this is exactly what happen in his lung too. Shoes up and then it will be dark cause they Keytruda is going it’s job, blocking the cancer.
So he thinks he’s in remission. To me I would like these doctor to tell him. That’s cancer trying to make a comeback, that the Keytruda is doing it’s job.
Truth helps people make good decisions for themselves with what is going on with their bodies. He is not getting better. The side effects are I think worse than the cancer. At this point he also has stated he wants to stop the Keytruda.
So he is taking some supplements. He got the info from Cliff High who has had cancer and is show he no longer has cancer. C60 is one of them. He told my bf to get off the cancer drugs and take these supplements. Of your getting off Keytruda, you should at least look up Cliff High, start that program. You got nothing to lode and everything to gain.
I wish you God’s Love and strength. He’s got you.
And honesty what I have watched with my bf, I will never take any type of chemo, Keytruda, etc. I’ll definitely take supplements etc.
Also look up TheRootBrand. Com. I watched a video on the doc scientist that developed it. All natural and gets metals out and good things in your body.
I’m actually going to order it today.


My husband has had lots of chemo and along with it worsening chemo brain. Currently he’s off chemo. Any recommendations to help with the chemo brain? Thank you.

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Chemo is like radiation the gift that keeps on giving. They should really educate people of what to expect. From what I have watched this last year with my bf is devastating. Keytruda continues and read the side effects. He has them all and continues to worsen. Zero improvement. And of course told everyone us different. They know they see millions of patients they have all the stats. Being upfront and truthful to very ill people is better than telling them everyone is different. Then at least they can make solid decisions with what tome they have of don’t have.


As far as I know, there is not.


I Started KEYTUDA yesterday, Dr said nothing like Chemo! HA! Well the laundry list of side affects can scare the hell out of you! I just finished 10 shots of radiation!

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Keytruda is immunotherapy and not chemo. It is the top tier of immunotherapies for many cancers. Have you researched any of the terms and new vocabulary related to your cancers? It might help your anger and fear reduce and make you feel more in control. We lose so much when we have cancer. But knowledge is power because we at least know what things mean! It does make a difference. I have also found that knowledge reduces fear. Have you?

I Started KEYTUDA yesterday, Dr said nothing like Chemo! HA! Well the laundry list of side affects can scare the hell out of you! I just finished 10 shots of radiation!


My husband has had lots of chemo and along with it worsening chemo brain. Currently he’s off chemo. Any recommendations to help with the chemo brain? Thank you.


@lindacarol- Hello. I am wondering if you ever found a solution to your itching from Keytruda?

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Derma e works. Get at sprouts. It’s tree tea & vitamin e relief creme


@lindacaro- Have you tried the shampoos that @richcolleen mentioned?

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To stop itching from Keytruda. Use Dermae Tree Tea and vitamin E relief cream, get it at sprouts. It totally works


My bf has hpv16 head and neck cancer squamous cell carcinoma. The source was back of throat, to left side of neck. Had surgery to remove source and lymph’s on both sides of neck. Followed by 6 weeks of proton radiation(5 days a week) with 6 weeks of cisplatin (once a week). 98% cure. 3 months later pet scan and cancer traveled to windpipe. He was placed on Keytruda, which will he 1 yr in Sept. He also was told her can only be on Keytruda for 2 yrs.
He has terrible side effects. Bad balance, diarrhea for 4 months, headaches, drops things, etc. Does anyone have bad side effects, and do these side effect go away after you off Keytruda.
He has been told they will not take him of Keytruda unless the Keytruda stops working of it attacks his organs. Doesn’t sound promising. He goes not know anyone that has this cancer do he doesn’t know what to expect.


@lindacarol- Hello. I am wondering if you ever found a solution to your itching from Keytruda?

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@lindacaro- Have you tried the shampoos that @richcolleen mentioned?

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