Does anyone have any experience with ketamine for neuropathy pain?

Posted by jeffrapp @jeffrapp, Jul 11, 2023

Does anyone have any experience with, or knowledge of, the use of ketamine for the pain of peripheral neuropathy?

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It contains the following:
3FD5SP-Ketamine5/Baclofen2/Diclofenacsodium3/Gabapentin5/LidocaineHCL4% SP Cream
A 30 day supply is $40 and isn't covered by insurance.
Dose is 1 gram; about the size of a pea. I usually use ~2 grams and only for the freezing/burning pain (it is the most effective for that kind of pain, for me).
I wouldn't want to be without it in my arsenal.
Once, the compounding pharmacy mistakenly filled the prescription w/o the ketamine and it had no effect at all.

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Thanks for that formulation. I will ask my podiatrist and neurologist about this.


Which compound pharmacy are you using? How many ounces in one RX? That sounds like a great price to me
Will have my dr send them a rx - do they just automatically at your request refill it or do you have to have your dr write a script every time? I was paying over $100 which did not contain the ketamine; but will try your pharmacy
Thank you!!


Ditto to above by Betty


Hi John
Thanks as usual for your excellent help.
I should have been more specific. I was referring to ketamine nasal spray and/or patches.

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Hi Jeff. I use a compounded cream containing amitriptyline 2%, Ketamine 1%, lidocaine5%, in a base cream. 100 gram jar . It’s expensive. $85. Lasts me about 3 months. I use a scant pea size on each foot both on top and bottom of each foot , three time a day. Yes it helps, about 3 -4 hours . We’ve had exceptionally hot weather lately, causing me to feel
The burning faster.
The prescribing dr is my rheumatologist. He’s at Johns Hopkins Hospital.


I was able to message my pain doc at UCSF. Here is his reply. I have a video appointment for end August when I expect to have more info.

"Ketamine for peripheral neuropathy is hit or miss. We do ketamine infusions, not covered by Medicare, and also topics. I usually prefer to keep it simple in the compounded medications, but it is not a one-size fits all".


I don’t recommend ketamine infusions. With the 7th one, i developed several big hives and felt more nerve pain than less after those 7 infusions 18 mos ago. It’s still hurting more to this very day.


Technically ketamine shouldn’t work for PN plus it’s only short acting which would be terribly ineffective for chronic PN.


I was given ketamine by an anesthesiologist. Scared the liven dickens out of me. I cried. They (nurses) all laughed saying I was on the ketamine high. They gave it to me without my consent for neuropathy during a procedure. When I came out I could not talk or move. My orthopedic surgeon I have seen since 2010 asked what was going on. I am normally out and gone in 30 minutes. It took the hospital 4.30 hours to get me where I could leave. It scared my son he kept asking what was wrong with me. If you have ever seen the show coma I felt like I was suspended in the air. I felt like I was outside my body. I was scared to go to sleep afraid I would wake up the same way the next day. It lasted three days. My 38 year old son had to stay at home and take care of me. He missed three days of work. I filed a formal complaint against the hospital and board of anesthesiologist. Come to find out it causes disassociation and the anesthesiologist overdosed me. Just be careful I personally never want it again. I told my orthopedic surgeon what happened and he is not using the facility again. I was given versed 25 mgs ketamine and propanol. In recovery they had to give me a breathing treatment because I was having a hard time breathing. I showed my doctor the letter from the board of anesthesiologist about the overdose.
Bottom line scared me but I did not feel the pain in my feet way too emotional. I don’t like the feeling of being out of control. I had thought about trying it until that had happened. I am too scared to ever try it. I have started telling anesthesiologists not to give me ketamine. It’s given to horses.


Here is my prescription compound
My doctor givens it to me for neuropathy at night.
Pain cream
2% Bacflofen
6% gabapentin
10% ketamine HCL
2% cyclobenzaprine
10% Diclofenac Sodium
2.5% tetracaine HCL
25% propylene
10% lipoderm
I has a long lasting lidocaine in it and gabapentin I am allergic to by mouth. Baclofen is a muscle relaxer. It by mouth makes me feel like I have the flu. Wear socks over it sticky.


I have a ketamine lotion for my feet at night, prescribed by my physician. I don’t use it much, but when I do it does help.

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