Just diagnosed with stage 4 kidney cancer: What treatments help?

Posted by ronc531 @ronc531, Mar 2 12:11am

At 67 I was just diagnosed with stage 4 kidney cancer. The doctor had me take a CT scan for another issues and accidentally found a large mass on my kidney. 3 limp nodes, and tumors on my lungs.

Not sure what to do at this point.

Feel like i have to keep working to make sure my wife gets my life insurance.

Any suggestions for treatments, diet, anything you might have found that helps.

Thanks Ron

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Kidney Cancer Support Group.

My heart goes out to you, Ron. My kidney cancer was also found incidental to a CT for something else. Also found, at the same time, was a lung cancer. I'm old enough to be your father, but it was still overwhelming for me. It is scary, to say the least. I started keeping a journal, and that helped me emotionally. You probably have good physicians on your side and you will overcome this blip in your life. Hang in there and know that folks you don't even know are in your corner.


Hi Ron. In addition to this group there are two others, maybe more, that may be helpful: Our Journey with Stage IV Kidney Cancer and Smart Patients.com (chose kidney cancer as your topic).


I have posted many comments in the past, so my comment to ronc531 is nothing new. Having dealt with both kidney and prostate cancers and treatments for the past 3 years I sympathize with your feelings in having to deal with your new diagnosis of kidney cancers. My only advice is to be well acquainted with all of your options and make the best decision you can after your consults with your doctor or doctors. And always remain as positive as you can and know that all of us suffering from the scourge of cancer are part of a very large family that understands it can be a long and challenging road to travel. On my daily walk this morning I just enjoyed the sunny and warm weather and put out of mind the difficulties of treatment with its side effects I face daily. I take it a day at a time, and I hope you will too.


@ronc531 Welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect. Definitely a difficult road you're on right now, and you have already received a few responses.

What has your doctor talked to you about after this diagnosis? No doubt there will be a referral to an oncologist. If you can get to Mayo Clinic, any campus [Rochester [MN], Jacksonville [FL], or Scottsdale [AZ]] that's great. Or a large teaching hospital like Cleveland Clinic, UCLA, etc. where you could get more comprehensive options and treatment.

While I do not have kidney cancer, I am on daily dialysis for failed kidneys, along with living with multiple myeloma. As @ronsale mentioned, taking each day as it comes is critical. Source out a social worker who will help you navigate the peaks and valleys. Talk openly with your wife and enlist her support. Likewise with trusted family members and friends. You might decide to hold off talking to some people until you have a planned course of action. We are not meant to go through this alone.


My doctor has recommended immunotherapy and then removal of the mass.

I live in Alaska so not close to any medical facilities. My doctor did graduate or attend the Cleveland clinic though. I am a disabled vet, so my medical is covered by the VA

Having lots of trouble sleeping now, only 3 to 4 hours a night.

would like to know what to expect with the immunotherapy, side effects, how well did it work? Where you able to work?


Have an appointment with the Cancer center this week to find out what we are going to do.


Hi Ron. In addition to this group there are two others, maybe more, that may be helpful: Our Journey with Stage IV Kidney Cancer and Smart Patients.com (chose kidney cancer as your topic).

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where do I find the "Our Journey with Stage IV Kidney Cancer"


This is my second message to you, Ron. I'm the old guy whose kidney cancer, and lung cancer, was found incidentally. I failed to mention that I also have Chronic Kidney Failure (for about 10 years). I echo the comments of Ginger. I'm being followed, and treated, by a couple of super Oncologists at The James, at Ohio State University. If you are close to a good teaching organization, or the clinics inger mentioned, I would encourage you to seek them out. There are a number of very good not for profit cancer centers. If you caan, do a bit of research, as you need to advocate for yourself. Please remember, that there are a lot of us put here pulling for you. Hang in there!


This is my second message to you, Ron. I'm the old guy whose kidney cancer, and lung cancer, was found incidentally. I failed to mention that I also have Chronic Kidney Failure (for about 10 years). I echo the comments of Ginger. I'm being followed, and treated, by a couple of super Oncologists at The James, at Ohio State University. If you are close to a good teaching organization, such as the Fred Hutchinson Center in Seattle or the clinics Ginger mentioned, I would encourage you to seek them out. There are a number of very good not for profit cancer centers. If you caan, do a bit of research, as you need to advocate for yourself. Please remember, that there are a lot of us put here pulling for you. Hang in there. This Navy Vet wishes you well.

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