Just diagnosed with colitis...given Budesonide $$$$

Posted by pacodennis @pacodennis, Dec 14, 2023

I am having diarrhea/constipation issues and this medicine might work for the awful feelings. How did it work for you? I can't afford the cost, so is there alternatives? I am taking plenty of supplements and some herbals. Maybe a special herbal mix might work, or a different medicine?

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I'm just starting to taper off the 9 mg dose and am hoping to have the same experience you had! I, too, understood that it is best for microscopic colitis, and agree that it's a miracle drug. My GI doc says if necessary I could stay on a low dose almost indefinitely. Apparently a large percentage of us do so - perhaps 3 mg every other day or so. We're all so very different in what we need and what works to manage this disease!

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Mine said I could go back on it at low dose if necessary - and that means I tried immodium etc - he really doesn’t want me on it continuously even low dose.

But I really don’t need it. I’m going the other way now. I’m on low dose statin and because my GI tract is like freaking Goldilocks, where everything has to be just right, even just influence of the statin has me on fiber and stool softeners.

What I’d give for normal 🙄


Mine said I could go back on it at low dose if necessary - and that means I tried immodium etc - he really doesn’t want me on it continuously even low dose.

But I really don’t need it. I’m going the other way now. I’m on low dose statin and because my GI tract is like freaking Goldilocks, where everything has to be just right, even just influence of the statin has me on fiber and stool softeners.

What I’d give for normal 🙄

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This is what I'm quickly realizing - it's a delicate balance. I'm also on Hydroxyurea for Thrombocytosis and among the typical side effects are bloating and diarrhea. We're still in the figuring out the dosage stage on that one (it was diagnosed from one of the many blood tests done while determining what gut ailment I have. . . ). Additionally, I'm dealing with Exocrine Pancreatic Insufficiency - again diagnosed during the process of figuring out the gut - and the symptoms of that disease include bloating and diarrhea. I figure it will take a minor miracle to get the dosages right and find exactly the right balance to get me symptom-free! It's both frustrating and an adventure!


This is what I'm quickly realizing - it's a delicate balance. I'm also on Hydroxyurea for Thrombocytosis and among the typical side effects are bloating and diarrhea. We're still in the figuring out the dosage stage on that one (it was diagnosed from one of the many blood tests done while determining what gut ailment I have. . . ). Additionally, I'm dealing with Exocrine Pancreatic Insufficiency - again diagnosed during the process of figuring out the gut - and the symptoms of that disease include bloating and diarrhea. I figure it will take a minor miracle to get the dosages right and find exactly the right balance to get me symptom-free! It's both frustrating and an adventure!

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For a hot minute after budesonide had done its thing I was good. Then my primary doc wasn’t going to live if he didn’t put me on statins and I think my colon was still recovering. So I have constipation. So it’s a daily challenge to ingest the right balance of fiber from food and gummies and such.



I was diagnosed with collagenous colitis 15 years ago. When it was at its worst I could not leave the house.
The GI treated me with methotrexate injections- one weekly for 4 weeks and it worked. A couple of years later I developed a different GI autoimmune illness. I was then taking Budesonide on and off, sometimes low dose.


That’s interesting. I was on methotrexate for my RA as an adjunct drug to Humira for 3 years until it started impacting my liver enzymes. I went from oral to self injections but ultimately I had to go off Mtx. I guess by the time I developed collagenous microscopic colitis Budesonide was establish as the drug of choice.


You all have been so very helpful. Thank You. The prescription goes into the pharmacy tomorrow. I will call the pharmacist and talk over these options. I think I am going to see if their price is similar to the Walgreens price and if not I probably will do the Walgreen Goodrx path that was explained so well above ( with a picture...looks just like my phone 🙂 )

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Hi. Just checking in to see if you had any issues using one of the discount programs.


Well, we decided to get it from our pharmacy for $60 a month, 9 mgd. I have been taking it for just a few days, and already feel very good, compared to the agony in my gut before. I hope this goes away, but maybe I will need to be on some for good.


Well, we decided to get it from our pharmacy for $60 a month, 9 mgd. I have been taking it for just a few days, and already feel very good, compared to the agony in my gut before. I hope this goes away, but maybe I will need to be on some for good.

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That’s awesome! 3mg pills?

I started getting relief after about 4 days. I doubt You will need it for good. My regiment including step-down was about two months all in.


Well, we decided to get it from our pharmacy for $60 a month, 9 mgd. I have been taking it for just a few days, and already feel very good, compared to the agony in my gut before. I hope this goes away, but maybe I will need to be on some for good.

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So glad you were able to get it. It does work quickly - I started feeling better in two days. I'm now in taper mode: I took 9 mg a day for six weeks and am now taking 6 mg a day for two weeks. After that I will take 3 mg a day for two weeks. So far, no change in how I feel and am hoping it will stay this way!


That’s awesome! 3mg pills?

I started getting relief after about 4 days. I doubt You will need it for good. My regiment including step-down was about two months all in.

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Yes. 3mg pills . I am taking 3 in the morning. You have been so helpful. All of you. Thanks so much! 🙂

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