Journaling - The Write Stuff For You?

Posted by Ginger, Volunteer Mentor @gingerw, Jun 19, 2020

Long ago –okay, for me, it was long ago!- it was common for a young person to keep a diary, a place to write down the heartaches and giggles of growing up, the trials and tribulations of school, friendships, sports and activities. Sometimes it was a locked book, so that we felt secure knowing our secret thought remained a secret.

How times have changed! While I no longer keep a classic diary, it is no less important for me to write down thoughts, ideas, and heaven-knows-what, on a regular basis. Nowadays, the common name is a “journal”, and seems to appeal to every segment of society. There are an abundance of ways to do this, and so many reasons why. Although I prefer longhand, many people use a computer, and there are any number of prompts/styles/methods.

Let’s explore this together!

Do you journal? What prompted you to start? What would you tell someone who wants to start?

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The art of the garbage area...incredible idea and achievement. And, if one looks carefully at this piece, it's like an many layers to peel and look at.


Journaling is hard for me. I end up falling asleep. Maybe it's because I don't sleep at night, but still

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@faithwalker007 That is interesting to read that journaling puts you to sleep! Sometimes when I have sat down to write, I find myself relaxing into the task and almost nodding off. What are your thoughts on falling asleep while journaling, why that happens? I have to wonder if our brains are wanting to help get information out and the wires get crossed? What does everybody else think about this?


I kept a diary growing up and even some in college. I would try to write everyday or every other day. It became taxing after a while to document my life. When I started battling depression and anxiety more, I would write to release tension, stress, and just vent. I would write it down, but never use a computer due to hackers getting personal information that might be used against me. Now I will write if something big happens that I can look back on in the future or to process thoughts floating around in my head.

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Hello @haleigh1493

It has been a while since you last posted. How are you doing?

If you could post an update, I'd like to hear from you. Are you still keeping a journal of your feelings?


I started blogging several years ago. I think the most views on ever got was 2-3 and I am sure those were family. I am learning to shut down "intrusive" thoughts but it does help me to write in order to get out of my own head. I have been told "that is a bad neighborhood" or "there is not enough adult supervision in there". I know both to be true and, for me, it can be physically destructive along with the mental health issues arising.I usually do this on my computer as my hand cramps when writing so I understand needing to use a computer. I longhand journal things I want to be more private and attempt to add a gratitude each morning. Nothing gets me out of my head like being grateful for the much greater percentage of my life that is good as opposed to the negativity I can find in my unrealistic anxieties.


I started blogging several years ago. I think the most views on ever got was 2-3 and I am sure those were family. I am learning to shut down "intrusive" thoughts but it does help me to write in order to get out of my own head. I have been told "that is a bad neighborhood" or "there is not enough adult supervision in there". I know both to be true and, for me, it can be physically destructive along with the mental health issues arising.I usually do this on my computer as my hand cramps when writing so I understand needing to use a computer. I longhand journal things I want to be more private and attempt to add a gratitude each morning. Nothing gets me out of my head like being grateful for the much greater percentage of my life that is good as opposed to the negativity I can find in my unrealistic anxieties.

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I’m trying to get back to blogging if anything to help with that, not for my readers. I know I’ll get the pressure to write again—not ready for that yet. But it helps to have focus on other things besides my home’s walls and the spikes and ebbs of pain. Lol


I started blogging several years ago. I think the most views on ever got was 2-3 and I am sure those were family. I am learning to shut down "intrusive" thoughts but it does help me to write in order to get out of my own head. I have been told "that is a bad neighborhood" or "there is not enough adult supervision in there". I know both to be true and, for me, it can be physically destructive along with the mental health issues arising.I usually do this on my computer as my hand cramps when writing so I understand needing to use a computer. I longhand journal things I want to be more private and attempt to add a gratitude each morning. Nothing gets me out of my head like being grateful for the much greater percentage of my life that is good as opposed to the negativity I can find in my unrealistic anxieties.

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@gman007 Gary, I figure however we choose to get our thoughts and feelings out, by longhand or keyboard, "it's all good!"

Cramping in your hand could give pause, then you realize that you want to express yourself anyway. I know I look at my writing itself, and look for the emotions behind the words. Taking a forensic graphology course decades ago, and finding out I had a "knack" for it, was enlightening for me. In my last career, I would be asked unofficially to compare signatures, or look at certain writings.

However you choose, you're a brave soul to blog. Putting a positive gratitude note in has to help motivate. Thank you for that tip! We sometimes forget that.


I started blogging several years ago. I think the most views on ever got was 2-3 and I am sure those were family. I am learning to shut down "intrusive" thoughts but it does help me to write in order to get out of my own head. I have been told "that is a bad neighborhood" or "there is not enough adult supervision in there". I know both to be true and, for me, it can be physically destructive along with the mental health issues arising.I usually do this on my computer as my hand cramps when writing so I understand needing to use a computer. I longhand journal things I want to be more private and attempt to add a gratitude each morning. Nothing gets me out of my head like being grateful for the much greater percentage of my life that is good as opposed to the negativity I can find in my unrealistic anxieties.

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@gman007, I've never been brave enough to start a blog but I really appreciate what you shared about how writing can change the direction of "intrusive" thoughts. Your two quotes brought smiles and I couldn't agree more about the lack otherwise of "not enough adult supervision". Thanks for your post; it brightened my day!


@gman007 , @faithwalker007 You've touched on blogging and am curious as to how one starts this. I wanted to try this but am a bit scared. You see I was thinking about suggested information to parents from an experienced child care person. Thought blogging would or could be helpful to parents as a resource but wondering about possible back lash/ negative comments. Appreciate your input.


@gman007 , @faithwalker007 You've touched on blogging and am curious as to how one starts this. I wanted to try this but am a bit scared. You see I was thinking about suggested information to parents from an experienced child care person. Thought blogging would or could be helpful to parents as a resource but wondering about possible back lash/ negative comments. Appreciate your input.

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Blogging is not hard. It does take guts to put yourself out there but that’s all it takes. Blog about what you know and love. Be yourself. I’ll help if you want.


Good morning! Each week I get an email from the McMaster Optimal Aging Group, covering various topics that may be of interest to adults. This morning I was pleased to see the following article, and wanted to share it with you.

What do you think as you read this? Are you part of a writing group? Does this resonate with you, writing for health and comfort? It excites me to see these thoughts laid out clearly, and helps to underscore what has been beneficial in my life. No time like the present to give yourself the present of writing your story!

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