CAR-T cell Therapy: Joint and muscle pain
Hello all, I had Car T infusion Augut1st. I currently have joint and muscle pain though intermittent. Is anyone else having these side effects? I am not sure if it is from Car T or the chemo I had previous to the infusion.
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Have you changed your diet?
How are things going for you?
@mdbryson1953, glad to hear that the back pain has resolved. How is he doing on the high-dose steriods? Will they continue for a while yet?
Thanks Pat. Yes, CAR-T is a blessing! My husband is also high risk with 17p deletion, and (11,14)translocation. It's a journey, but I'm glad to hear you are RMD negative. So far we are too!
Hey Colleen,
I started ti reply, but hit something, so I don't know where it went. Mark is on high dose steroids to treat the neurotoxicity of the cranial nerves. We think that has resolved his back pain. The neurotoxicity does have us nervous, but we believe it will resolve over time. It's scary though as our CAR-T team has not seen CAR-T impact the nerves in this way. He is in remission from the MM, but weak from the steroids. We're at Day 61, looking forward to positive news by day 90.
Hi Mary
I am participating in a clinical trial to have Car T as a frontline therapy for MM. I had the infusion in October. I had two mild fevers while hospitalized for 14 days. No other CRS. No neurotoxicity. I am also having lower back pain. Not sure why. An X-ray didn’t show anything. I have had two bone marrow biopsies since infusion, one in January and the next in April. Both came back MRD negative. I’m hopeful for a long remission but I’m high risk due to deletion of p17 and high tumor load. I’m not on any maintenance therapy per the trial. I hope your husband is in remission and his neurotoxicity resolves. I believe Car T is one of the best current treatments for MM. I wish him well.
Pat G.
Hi Mary @mdbryson1953, welcome. I'm glad that your husband experienced minimal cytokine release syndrome (CRS). But I can imagine that the neurotoxicity related to the cranial nerves has both of you concerned.
I'm tagging a few other CAR-T members like @grandpabob @gregolson @annberkowitz @sunnyd @greta_k who have experience dealing with neurotoxicity and may have some thoughts. I'm also tagging @pgollinger and @myelomawarrior, who I believe had CAR-T cell therapy to treat multiple myeloma.
Mary, has your husband had further testing to find out the source of the lower back pain?
Greetings All,
My husband Mark had CAR-T infusion on May 2, 2024. We are close to our 60 day check in. He experienced minimal CRS, but has developed some significant neurotoxicity symptoms in the last few weeks. Specifically involving the cranial nerves. He has also experienced low back pain, but we're not sure whether it is related to the CAR-T Nerve issue or his prior back issues related to his Multiple Myeloma. Has anyone else had experience with neurotoxicity related to the cranial nerves?
Thank you for any insight you may have.
@annberkowitz, it's been a while since you posted. How are you doing? Have the hip flares subsided? How are your energy levels?
Thank you for sharing information and experience.
It has only been a week since I was told to discontinue the antibiotic and the anti-fungal but stay on the antiviral. I am improving with each day on vacation with the addition of walking 2+miles/day on sloping walks at higher altitude.
My oncologist is the head of the Bone marrow transplant in San Antonio and has performed 300 CarT treatments since FDA approval.