I’ve had constant mucus in throat since Covid 3 years ago.

Posted by catlady76 @catlady76, Sep 29, 2024

I have constant mucus in throat. Have had numerous tests, seen 3 ents and a laryngologist but nothing has helped . Any suggestions?

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I,too, have had it 3 years. I have autoimmune issues and mine started after Covid vaccine. Have been to all the Drs and they say the same, sinusitis. My sinuses are clear on a scan and I’ve never had sinus issues.
Flonase and Zertec is the main go to but really doesn’t help.
Sorry I’m not more help


Hi Muscas,

I've had excess saliva and mucas for over a year now. Multible drugs and treatments with ENTs. No benefit. But then spoke with a nutritionist today and she recommended some dietary changes and possibly a medication that I have not taken. Use: non-dairy milk (Oat or Almond milk?) drink more water for flem, no juices. Keep a good journal so you're tracking on what you're taking and possible benefit.

Finally recommended using a drug called Glycopyrrolate (horrible name!). But if dietary changes don't help, talk with primary care phyhsician about this medication.

Hope all this useful and helps!

Richard Passoth


I’ve had the same issue since having covid in 2022. Told by ENT I have LPR (silent reflux that goes into your larynx and throat). I started a low acid diet and teaspoon of Reflux Gourmet after meals and before bed (Amazon). Not cured, but much better. Staying hydrated is also important for me.


A long time sufferer, I have tried every supplement and and remedy mentioned on here by co-sufferers. And yes, I have had all the tests and exams for acid reflux, sinus issues, endoscopy, etc. I am currently trying menthol and the Reflux Gourmet, but have only found the chewing gum version of the latter!
Please keep the suggestions coming; there has to be something!!!


A long time sufferer, I have tried every supplement and and remedy mentioned on here by co-sufferers. And yes, I have had all the tests and exams for acid reflux, sinus issues, endoscopy, etc. I am currently trying menthol and the Reflux Gourmet, but have only found the chewing gum version of the latter!
Please keep the suggestions coming; there has to be something!!!

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I've had the same problem--I don't have any heatburn or reflux symptoms but I have sticky mucus that gives me trouble clearing my throat every day. It seems to get worse after I've had breakfast but usually better after supper. I've tried omeprazole and pantoprazole and other suggestions but nothing has helped. The ear, nose, throat specialist says it's GERD but an endoscopy showed no evidence of any problems (I did have an ulcer back in 2017, was treated for it, and it was cured). In the mornings my nose is often stuffed up and I have tried a Netti Pot as well. The mucus is always clear--it's very annoying!


Thanks for your reply and history! I find it incredible that we can't be helped! Gone are the days when I sang in the choir or delivered homilies. It just boggles my mind that there is no remedy which is why I try everything that comes along!!
I will continue to follow this thread and hope there will be a suggestion that actually works for me--and you!
Good thoughts.


Thanks for your reply and history! I find it incredible that we can't be helped! Gone are the days when I sang in the choir or delivered homilies. It just boggles my mind that there is no remedy which is why I try everything that comes along!!
I will continue to follow this thread and hope there will be a suggestion that actually works for me--and you!
Good thoughts.

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Thanks--it's why I'm here looking for answers and hoping to find some. So far the doctors I've consulted with have no answers and that's very discouraging. In the interim, all we can do is keep our fingers crossed. I'm certain there are many more suffering with these same symptoms. I've had trouble singing some days because of it--I still play in a band and it's resulted in me singing less often--thankfully my symptoms are less severe in the evenings and that helps a bit.

I wish everybody here good luck finding the answers they need.


A long time sufferer, I have tried every supplement and and remedy mentioned on here by co-sufferers. And yes, I have had all the tests and exams for acid reflux, sinus issues, endoscopy, etc. I am currently trying menthol and the Reflux Gourmet, but have only found the chewing gum version of the latter!
Please keep the suggestions coming; there has to be something!!!

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metoo@psmick. I made this horrible sound I learn it's called regurge. Since childhood & diagnosed w GERD when I was 40. Protonix is rx. Dr suggested pepcid complete. Stash Licorice tea. Add honey. Ginger is my new pepper. Takes self discipline not to eat them things known as irritants. 25y's later diagnosed w gastroparesis. That's slow digestion to no go. Now zero appetite.


Thanks for your update, shawnkthryn, as it appears you have tried many alternates as well.
I reviewed sinus x-rays with my PCP yesterday. They showed mild to moderate mucus which he asserts
takes patience and stick-to-itiveness to overcome. He suggested sinus flush with Nedi pot or something similar, followed by Flonase drops, and the D type of a decongestion which is usually behind the counter.
In the meantime, I am drinking tea with honey, lemon and ginger, and will switch to Stash Licorice!!
I appreciate your input! Good thoughts!!

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