IV Antibiotics one year after FMT + C diff

Posted by ballofanxiety07 @ballofanxiety07, Dec 6, 2024

Hey guys! In October 2023 I had 2 bouts of C diff that was treated with Dificid and VOWST, and before I knew it it was a year later.
I went to the ER for what I thought (and am still sure) was a kidney stone. My BW showed High WBC and inflammatory markers, my urine was bloody and cloudy, the pain was extreme on the right side but Id had stones on that side before. The CT however showed ureteritis and fat stranding of the kidney, so the ER doc landed on I had a UTI. Despite...I had no UTI symptoms, not a fever or burning bee, nothing. My urine assay was positive for blood and wbc, but it was the first time I had a stone too. My urine culture came back negative 3 days later- but I digress

The er doc was ADAMENT on giving me IV Rocephin and doxycycline pills. I begged for another opinion but they also suggested the antibiotics because "Ive seen this exact case go septic". I cried the whole time. I took only one day of the doxy before I went BACK to the ER who resid everything, even my ct scan, and EVERYTHING came back clean. I do still have some side pain that comes and goes but..

Has anyone taken IV antibiotics or broad spectrums after an FMT and been ok/not relapsed?

Im taking my probiotics and s. Boulardii, my GI says all I can do is pray and wait for 90 days.

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