It this asthma or has anyone else had this problem with cold air?

Posted by zebra2022 @zebra2022, Mar 18 1:44am

Back in September 2022, I was diagnosed with cryoglobulinemia, and ever since then I have had issues with breathing. Both of my pulmonary doctors say the issue is asthma. Yes I've had asthma in the past but when I have my flare ups none of my inhalers work to help my breathing. I've been on 4 so far. The Albuterol used to help with my episodes prior to my September diagnosis. Now my triggers have been cold air, I get shortness of breath and then sometimes chest pains. I never had that problem before, now its everytime I'm in cold air (whether air conditioned rooms, fridge/freezer areas, fans, even cool breeze). One doctor thinks it's really strange. All my tests come back normal. The only thing I've found that helps is wearing a mask.
Even with the mask, back in 2020 when we all had to wear masks, it used to trigger my asthma, now it helps my breathing. It's weird.

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@zebra2022 Cold air and exercise are known to trigger asthma. I'll even cough after eating ice cream. I have e- asthma (the allergic type) and when I am exposed to inhaled allergens, it triggers my asthma a bit. I build some phlegm in my lungs. When I come back inside into a room with a HEPA filter, my breathing gets better. I should be doing my allergy shots to help this, but I've been lazy because I just don't like doing it.

It may be that wearing a mask is cutting down on dust or allergens, and warming the air for you a bit, so that makes sense that it can help you. That helps me too.


I have had that problem for years, at the time I didn’t know it was asthma.
Almost every time visiting family up north in the winter it would happen.


Are you using albuterol puffer or albuterol nebulizer (ie 0.083 or 0.5 strengths). And what other meds you tried, you said 4 total.

Yes, cold weather can trigger broncospasm.
Can some of above scenarios - refrigirators and air conditioned rooms be avoided ?
My Best,


Are you using albuterol puffer or albuterol nebulizer (ie 0.083 or 0.5 strengths). And what other meds you tried, you said 4 total.

Yes, cold weather can trigger broncospasm.
Can some of above scenarios - refrigirators and air conditioned rooms be avoided ?
My Best,

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I've been on the Albuterol inhaler, symbicort inhaler, flovent inhaler, spiriva handihlr, ipratropium bromide (nebulizer) and now sodium chloride solution (nebulizer). These are the ones I have tried. The only one I'm on now is just the sodium chloride for the nevulizer. The rest of the inhalers don't even touch my lungs when my lungs are affected by the cold. My other asthma triggers respond to the Albuterol. Just not the cold air. Unfortunately avoiding cold altogether is not really an option. Plus it wouldn't help moving to a warmer state because I would still deal with the same issue. Businesses and shopping always have fans or air conditioners. I only started having this issue after my diagnosis of cryoglobulinemia and my system did a complete flip flop. I have not been the same medically since.


I've been on the Albuterol inhaler, symbicort inhaler, flovent inhaler, spiriva handihlr, ipratropium bromide (nebulizer) and now sodium chloride solution (nebulizer). These are the ones I have tried. The only one I'm on now is just the sodium chloride for the nevulizer. The rest of the inhalers don't even touch my lungs when my lungs are affected by the cold. My other asthma triggers respond to the Albuterol. Just not the cold air. Unfortunately avoiding cold altogether is not really an option. Plus it wouldn't help moving to a warmer state because I would still deal with the same issue. Businesses and shopping always have fans or air conditioners. I only started having this issue after my diagnosis of cryoglobulinemia and my system did a complete flip flop. I have not been the same medically since.

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Have you tried albuterol nebulizer ? Suppose to get deeper into lungs.
When i am very sick, nebulizer gives me best relief (for a short time 🙂


Have you tried albuterol nebulizer ? Suppose to get deeper into lungs.
When i am very sick, nebulizer gives me best relief (for a short time 🙂

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I have. It helps with some things but does nothing for the issues I have with the cold air.


I have severe asthma (diagnosed by my pulmonologist). Yes I have problems with cold air. In fact, anything under 55 degrees is hard on me for anything more than 10 - 15 minutes.

And if it is actually freezing out, 30 degrees or below, I am only ok for 2 - 5 minutes.

But scarves help tremendously. Can easily double or even triple the amount of time I can spend outside.

A nice little life hack ---- thermos!!! Prep a thermos with boiling water. Breathe that in as you move around outside. For some reason, seems like tea or coffee is even better than just boiling water...

I also use a ski mask outside. For some reason, keeping those cheeks covered and warm helps tremendously.

I have also, actually used the old surgeon's paper masks from COVID, outside, just to breathe better. Seems to help a lot. I guess it keeps the warm air, from the breathe, closer or something???


So sorry you are going through this ☹️

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