Issues with GERD

Posted by jimaddessi @jimaddessi, Feb 28, 2023

I am a relatively healthy 69 year old male who has had bouts of gerd (acid reflex) in my life. I've had several endoscopy"s done, most recently January of 2022 diagnosis of Gastritis. I don't smoke and drink in moderation socially (not a lot). Recently I developed my worst symptoms ever, not sleeping very good ( I have elevated bed),very bad pressure in chest which creates tremendous anxiety making it had to breathe and catch my breath, floor pacing...terrible stress on body. Oddly enough it's been worse every other morning when I wake up. I take Protonix and Pepcid, Mylanta and I just got some new stuff called Nutrasec, a tablet like Tums only better that you take after eating that helps a little. I was cruising right along until 10 days ago the it hit me like a tank. I gave up coffee and changed my diet drastically and am trying to schedule another endoscopy. I'm hoping maybe my esophagus needs stretched or I'm a candidate for esophagus sphincter surgery. I feel beat and it sucks trying to sleep on my left side all night. Anybody out there having similar problems?

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I bought mine at Amazon!

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@brittis how does it taste? Is it sweet?


@brittis how does it taste? Is it sweet?

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I bought the caramel taste and it is like caramel sauce. Yes, definitely sweet.


Can you provide more information on digestive bitters and Betain HCL Pepsin? I did a google search and there are many different ones, some have both digestive bitters and Betain HCL Pepsin or do they all? What works for you, strength and dosage? Thank you!


Oh to protect your esophagus take black raspberry powder from BerriBerri. I even have Barett's Esophagus, probably from all those years of GERDS

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Curious, did you start taking black raspberry powder from your own research or did a doctor recommend it? And yes, one of my possible diagnoses is Barett's Esophagus.


Much of what you say has a solid ring to it. Leaning toward trying some. My anemia needs attention desperately. How functional is your Lower Esophageal Sphincter, do you know? Mine no longer works.

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I'm not sure about the functionality of my lower esophageal sphincter per se, just know from tests that I have esophagus motility issues.


Curious, did you start taking black raspberry powder from your own research or did a doctor recommend it? And yes, one of my possible diagnoses is Barett's Esophagus.

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William Liu's book on healing yourself with diet. I have no idea if it has become better but the last time I had an endoscopy done because of bad anemia (looking for a silent bleed when the problem in fact was failure to absorb nutrients because of too long treatment (on doctor's orders!) with PPIs, the Barrett's esophagus had gotten no worse.

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