Issues after chlamydia

Posted by le30 @le30, Jul 12, 2023

I contracted chlamydia end of March, most probably from my partner but could not prove it. I got treated with Azithromycin and the symptoms went away. She got treated also, and 10 days after her treatment we had protected sex once. I started feeling the symptoms again after this , which was in the beginning of May, so i did another round of 7 Doxycycline. I stopped seeing the partner or anyone else. However, since then my symptoms have not gone away. Still feeling burning after peeing, still feeling itchy, scratchy. I did a couple of Chlymida tests and they are negative. I've done UTI test also negative. My doctor said it could just be that now i will chronically have these issues and I'm freaking out! He suggested ibu profin for 2 weeks and then see. Does anyone have any experience/suggestions? Its been 3 months of constant burning, itching, scratching, and discomfort and its very unpleasant and difficult to live with. Will this ever go away?

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Hello @le30, Welcome to Connect. While we wait for members who may have some experience I thought I would share this information I found on NHS.

"In men, chlamydia can spread to the testicles and epididymis (tubes that carry sperm from the testicles), causing them to become painful and swollen. This is known as epididymitis or epididymo-orchitis. This is very rare. The inflammation is usually treated with antibiotics."

If it were me, I would probably want a second opinion if my doctor said it could just be that I would have to live with these issues. Have you thought about seeking help at a teaching hospital or major health facility?


Hi @johnbishop and thank you for your answer. I will try to get a second opinion somehow. In the meantime another day of burning, itching, and very uncomfortable while having to work and carry on with life. I hope this gets resolved somehow, don't know what to do.


I got chlamydia last year late September and had it cured mid October.
Since then, I’ve had a high urination frequencies. At the start I had gotten up in the middle of the night multiple times sometimes the entire night, it has caused me multiple panic attacks, but has settled down a little bit.
I’ve gone for multiple urine and blood tests a physical exam, a Bladder x-ray, and an ultrasound and everything has been normal.

It is now the start of August and I still have no solution. I have tried to get a requisition to see a urologist, but the wait time is eight months or longer.
At this point I’m not even sure if there is anything I can do.

I live in Ontario, Canada if anyone could help please reach out

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