Isolated Vaginal Pain

Posted by dzeunen @dzeunen, Feb 1, 2023

For years I have had an isolated vaginal pain that no doctor can help with. We just know that there is a nerve in there that puts me through the roof if the spot is touched. I recently heard of the Rhizotomy procedure for back pain. Has any one ever heard of the done on any other nerves besides the back? If so, who would do it?

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I had that years ago. Went to many doctors and many tests and got no relief or answers. I mentioned it to a friend that was a massage therapist. She said she thought I had nerves trapped in my periformis muscle that goes across your butt cheek. She said she could probably release those nerves trapped in the muscle, if I could stand it. Believe me, it was uncomfortable when she got her elbow deep into that muscle. I felt something pop and an intense pain for a few seconds. I was really sore for a few days but have never had that vaginal nerve pain again!


@dzeunen try eating a teaspoonful of prepared yellow mustard. Helps to relieve pain.

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