Is Osteoporosis reversible in post menopausal women?

Posted by leeosteo @leeosteo, Jan 28, 2023

I'm relatively new to this support group. I'm post menopausal with osteoporosis. I've been reading various group discussions here and doing a little bit of research via Mayo Clinic, Bone Health & Osteroporosis Foundation (BHOF), WebMd, and

My simple question is: Can osteoporosis be reversed in post menopausal women (with no secondary medical issues) through diet and exercise?

In reading through this groups discussion on meds it seems the meds only buy you time.

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Osteoporosis & Bone Health Support Group.


My osteoporosis of spine went into osteopenia in a year with weighted exercise, weighted vest, etc, more calcium and less coffee. But CTX is still high. I don't understand. I've had so many blood tests for so many things (except P1np) even cancer (my doc is pretty thorough) She's calling me this week but I'm at a loss at how my bones could improve but not that.

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@debraran did you have DEXA's on the same machine? Even with the same machine, there can be variations with DEXA results. If you were close to borderline osteoporosis, another DEXA could have you in osteopenia, in my experience. My docs says only a difference of 0.5 is significant. Maybe you met that.


I didn’t know you shouldn’t change. I went to Yale bone center first 2 times and then a satellite of Yale which was a mistake in adjacent town. . They put my spine at -2.9 from -2.1 5 years prior. My doc had me redo in 7 months and I went back to original place. Spine -2.1. This tech used straps for feet and wedge. I trust the bone clinic. Doc is calling there because the discrepancy was a lot and she’s upset if part error.
I don’t know what my CTX was in 2017 since it was never done. I am trying to lower it.


My osteoporosis of spine went into osteopenia in a year with weighted exercise, weighted vest, etc, more calcium and less coffee. But CTX is still high. I don't understand. I've had so many blood tests for so many things (except P1np) even cancer (my doc is pretty thorough) She's calling me this week but I'm at a loss at how my bones could improve but not that.

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Would you tell me how much calcium you get per day. Do you take calcium supplements
Thank you.


My osteoporosis of spine went into osteopenia in a year with weighted exercise, weighted vest, etc, more calcium and less coffee. But CTX is still high. I don't understand. I've had so many blood tests for so many things (except P1np) even cancer (my doc is pretty thorough) She's calling me this week but I'm at a loss at how my bones could improve but not that.

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Do you work out with free weights (dumbbells) or machines? Thank you!


Would you tell me how much calcium you get per day. Do you take calcium supplements
Thank you.

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I take up to 1000 and try to get rest with food, sometimes 750 food, 750 tabs. ( Thera cal) I’m lactose intolerant. Take lactaid pills to help.
I don’t think I absorb pills well. Doc wanted 1500 for a while. Calcium still low normal but I did forget some days. Didn’t take with caffeine but forgot about iron ( meat, spinach) interfering


Do you work out with free weights (dumbbells) or machines? Thank you!

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I have free weights 3-20 lbs. I haven’t gone to gym in years. I use my own routines and old dvds and an app my doc gave me. It’s free mostly and lots of variety.


I take up to 1000 and try to get rest with food, sometimes 750 food, 750 tabs. ( Thera cal) I’m lactose intolerant. Take lactaid pills to help.
I don’t think I absorb pills well. Doc wanted 1500 for a while. Calcium still low normal but I did forget some days. Didn’t take with caffeine but forgot about iron ( meat, spinach) interfering

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Thank you. I didn’t know you shouldn’t take it with caffeine.


Thank you. I didn’t know you shouldn’t take it with caffeine.

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I was a terrible coffee drinker, just loved it. Had 2-3 in morning but sometimes in winter, tea or coffee at lunch and maybe 3pm slump . : / I only do AM breakfast now. Its not a lot and I add cream, but daily probably adds up. I read this :
What vitamins should not be taken with coffee?
Don't drink coffee with these vitamins
The following are five nutrients that interact with caffeine.
Calcium. For every cup of coffee consumed, 5 mg of calcium is excreted in urine and feces. ...
Vitamin D. Vitamin D plays a critical role in the absorption of calcium that is used to form bone, Iron, B vitamins and Magnesium.
Mayo clinic is informative too. I can't post link yet because I'm a new member, but they said what's below. Hope it's helpful.

When should I take calcium supplements? Does it matter what time?
Answer From Katherine Zeratsky, R.D., L.D.

Yes, timing matters. When to take a calcium supplement depends on:

Type of calcium. Check the label to find out what type of calcium the supplement has. Take calcium citrate with or without food. Take calcium carbonate with food. The acid the stomach makes while eating helps the body absorb calcium carbonate.
Total daily dose. It's best to take calcium in smaller doses. Smaller doses most often means 500 milligrams or less at a time. To take 1,000 mg of calcium a day, split it into two or more doses over the day.
Other medicines. Calcium supplements and many prescription medicines do not mix well. This includes antibiotics, bisphosphonates and high blood pressure medicines. Ask a pharmacist or member of your health care team what medicines shouldn't be taken with calcium supplements.

For people who take calcium supplements and multivitamins, it's best to take them at different times of day. Calcium can affect how the body takes in the nutrients iron, zinc and magnesium.

And don't take a calcium supplement at the same time as a meal that's high in iron. Foods high in iron include lean meat and seafood, nuts, beans, vegetables, and grains that have iron added to them.

If you have any questions about the best time to take calcium supplements, ask your pharmacist or a member of your health care team.


I was a terrible coffee drinker, just loved it. Had 2-3 in morning but sometimes in winter, tea or coffee at lunch and maybe 3pm slump . : / I only do AM breakfast now. Its not a lot and I add cream, but daily probably adds up. I read this :
What vitamins should not be taken with coffee?
Don't drink coffee with these vitamins
The following are five nutrients that interact with caffeine.
Calcium. For every cup of coffee consumed, 5 mg of calcium is excreted in urine and feces. ...
Vitamin D. Vitamin D plays a critical role in the absorption of calcium that is used to form bone, Iron, B vitamins and Magnesium.
Mayo clinic is informative too. I can't post link yet because I'm a new member, but they said what's below. Hope it's helpful.

When should I take calcium supplements? Does it matter what time?
Answer From Katherine Zeratsky, R.D., L.D.

Yes, timing matters. When to take a calcium supplement depends on:

Type of calcium. Check the label to find out what type of calcium the supplement has. Take calcium citrate with or without food. Take calcium carbonate with food. The acid the stomach makes while eating helps the body absorb calcium carbonate.
Total daily dose. It's best to take calcium in smaller doses. Smaller doses most often means 500 milligrams or less at a time. To take 1,000 mg of calcium a day, split it into two or more doses over the day.
Other medicines. Calcium supplements and many prescription medicines do not mix well. This includes antibiotics, bisphosphonates and high blood pressure medicines. Ask a pharmacist or member of your health care team what medicines shouldn't be taken with calcium supplements.

For people who take calcium supplements and multivitamins, it's best to take them at different times of day. Calcium can affect how the body takes in the nutrients iron, zinc and magnesium.

And don't take a calcium supplement at the same time as a meal that's high in iron. Foods high in iron include lean meat and seafood, nuts, beans, vegetables, and grains that have iron added to them.

If you have any questions about the best time to take calcium supplements, ask your pharmacist or a member of your health care team.

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Your reply is so helpful. Thank you for taking the time to share this information. I need to rethink how I take my prescriptions and supplements.


I have free weights 3-20 lbs. I haven’t gone to gym in years. I use my own routines and old dvds and an app my doc gave me. It’s free mostly and lots of variety.

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Thank you! Appreciate your helpful information.

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